replaceable<T> static method

ReplaceablePot<T> replaceable<T>(
  1. PotObjectFactory<T> factory, {
  2. PotDisposer<T>? disposer,

Creates a pot of type ReplaceablePot that has the ability to replace its factory with another one of type T.

// replace() is not available in this pot.
final pot = Pot(() => Counter());

// replace() is available in these pots.
final replaceablePot1 = Pot.replaceable(() => Counter());
final replaceablePot2 = Pot.pending<Counter>();


replaceablePot2.replace(() => SubtypeOfCounter());

Replacements are only available for this type of pots.

See ReplaceablePot.replace for more details.


static ReplaceablePot<T> replaceable<T>(
  PotObjectFactory<T> factory, {
  PotDisposer<T>? disposer,
}) {
  return ReplaceablePot<T>._(factory, disposer: disposer);