sleep function

int sleep(
  1. int seconds

Make the process sleep for SECONDS seconds, or until a signal arrives and is not ignored. The function returns the number of seconds less than SECONDS which it actually slept (thus zero if it slept the full time). If a signal handler does a longjmp' or modifies the handling of the SIGALRM signal while inside sleep' call, the handling of the SIGALRM signal afterwards is undefined. There is no return value to indicate error, but if `sleep' returns SECONDS, it probably didn't work.

This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with __THROW.


int sleep(
  int seconds,
) {
  _sleep ??= Libc()
      .lookupFunction<ffi.Uint32 Function(ffi.Uint32), _dart_sleep>('sleep');
  return _sleep!(