PcoServicesSong class

This class represents a PCO Services Song Object


  • Create a new instance using the PcoServicesSong() constructor
  • Instantiate from existing JSON data using the PcoServicesSong.fromJson() constructor.
  • Load an instance from the API using one of the static methods defined on this class.


  • Fields exposed by the API are readable through getter methods.
  • Fields writable by the API are exposed through setter methods.
  • Original json data is exposed through the read-only attributes map.
  • Additional data is available through the read-only links and relationships maps.
  • Available relationships / includes are exposed through typed getters.


A song

Attributes (and permissions)

  • id (ro) -> PCO: id
  • title (rw) -> PCO: title
  • createdAt (ro) -> PCO: created_at
  • updatedAt (ro) -> PCO: updated_at
  • admin (rw) -> PCO: admin
  • author (rw) -> PCO: author
  • copyright (rw) -> PCO: copyright
  • isHidden (rw) -> PCO: hidden
  • notes (ro) -> PCO: notes
  • themes (rw) -> PCO: themes
  • lastScheduledShortDates (ro) -> PCO: last_scheduled_short_dates
  • lastScheduledAt (ro) -> PCO: last_scheduled_at
  • ccliNumber (rw) -> PCO: ccli_number

Edges and Actions

Outbound Edges:

Inbound Edges:


Raw Data Object Example

  "type": "Song",
  "id": "1",
  "attributes": {
    "title": "string",
    "created_at": "2000-01-01T12:00:00Z",
    "updated_at": "2000-01-01T12:00:00Z",
    "admin": "string",
    "author": "string",
    "copyright": "string",
    "hidden": true,
    "notes": "string",
    "themes": "string",
    "last_scheduled_short_dates": "string",
    "last_scheduled_at": "2000-01-01T12:00:00Z",
    "ccli_number": 1
  "relationships": {}


PcoServicesSong({String? id, String? title, DateTime? createdAt, DateTime? updatedAt, String? admin, String? author, String? copyright, bool? isHidden, String? notes, String? themes, String? lastScheduledShortDates, DateTime? lastScheduledAt, int? ccliNumber, Map<String, List<PcoResource>>? withRelationships, List<PcoResource>? withIncluded})
Create a new PcoServicesSong object using this endpoint: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/services/v2/songs
Create an empty instance of this class. This is only useful when an endpoint requires related or included data.
PcoServicesSong.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data, {List<Map<String, dynamic>>? withIncluded})


admin String
pass null to remove key from attributes
getter/setter pair
api PlanningCenter
planning center resources must be tied to an api
no setterinherited
apiEndpoint String
no setterinherited
apiPath String
PcoResources include their own path as a link object but this might be null if we haven't created/fetched the object yet Child classes should redefine this getter to allow for manual path overrides
no setteroverride
apiVersion String
child classes can override these getters which will allow methods in this class to see static variables from child classes
no setteroverride
attributes ReadOnlyMapView<String, dynamic>
contains the underlying attributes returned by the api and allows a user to access arbitrary data in the attributes by actual api name
no setterinherited
author String
pass null to remove key from attributes
getter/setter pair
canCreate bool
no setteroverride
canDestroy bool
no setteroverride
canUpdate bool
no setteroverride
ccliNumber int
pass null to remove key from attributes
getter/setter pair
pass null to remove key from attributes
getter/setter pair
createAllowed List<String>
no setteroverride
createdAt DateTime
no setterinherited
createPathTemplate String
no setteroverride
defaultPathTemplate String
no setteroverride
fetched bool
indicate whether an item is full or partial
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String?
no setterinherited
included List<PcoResource>
contains included items parsed into objects
no setterinherited
isHidden bool
pass null to remove key from attributes
getter/setter pair
lastScheduledAt DateTime
no setter
lastScheduledShortDates String
no setter
contains the links data returned by the api if present
no setterinherited
needsSave bool
no setterinherited
notes String
no setter
pcoApplication String
relationships ReadOnlyMapView<String, List<PcoResource>>
contains relationships parsed into objects even though the api sends relationship objects as Maps or Lists we always put them into lists for consistency
no setterinherited
resourceType String
all planning center resources must have a type
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
slug String
no setterinherited
themes String
pass null to remove key from attributes
getter/setter pair
title String
The name of the song.
getter/setter pair
updateAllowed List<String>
no setteroverride
updatedAt DateTime
no setterinherited


assignTags(Object data) Future<PlanningCenterApiResponse<PlanningCenterApiData>>
ACTION: assign_tags
coerceDouble(dynamic a) double
coerceInt(dynamic a) int
delete() Future<PlanningCenterApiResponse<PlanningCenterApiData>>
filteredAttributes(List<String> allowedKeys) Map<String, dynamic>
fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data, {List<Map<String, dynamic>>? withIncluded}) → dynamic
Takes a full JSON:API Response Object (the contents of a "data" field) will clear and update id, apiPath, attributes and _relationships
getArrangements({PcoServicesArrangementQuery? query}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesArrangement>>
Will get a collection of PcoServicesArrangement objects (expecting many) using a path like this: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/services/v2/songs/1/arrangements
getAttachments({PcoServicesAttachmentQuery? query}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesAttachment>>
Will get a collection of PcoServicesAttachment objects (expecting many) using a path like this: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/services/v2/songs/1/attachments
getLastScheduledItem({PcoServicesItemQuery? query}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesItem>>
Will get a collection of PcoServicesItem objects (expecting many) using a path like this: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/services/v2/songs/1/last_scheduled_item
getSongSchedules({PcoServicesSongScheduleQuery? query}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesSongSchedule>>
Will get a collection of PcoServicesSongSchedule objects (expecting many) using a path like this: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/services/v2/songs/1/song_schedules
getTags({PcoServicesTagQuery? query}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesTag>>
Will get a collection of PcoServicesTag objects (expecting many) using a path like this: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/services/v2/songs/1/tags
handleIncludes(List<Map<String, dynamic>> included) → void
This function populates the relationships with typed resource objects based on the data in the included map of the json.
handleItem(Map<String, dynamic> data) PcoResource?
handleRelationships(Map<String, dynamic> items, [List<Map<String, dynamic>> included = const []]) Map<String, List<PcoResource>>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
save({Map<String, PcoResource>? withRelated, List<PcoResource>? withIncluded}) Future<PlanningCenterApiResponse<PlanningCenterApiData>>
Many Planning Center endpoints allow or require additional relationships and/or included items to be sent with a create/update operation. Since these cannot always be determined by the automatic code generation, they may be included as arguments to the save operation.
toCreateResource() Map<String, dynamic>
create the attributes Map for this object without the id field using only the attributes allowed in create (post) operations
toDataMap({Map<String, PcoResource>? withRelated, List<PcoResource>? withIncluded}) Map<String, dynamic>
create a json-api Map for this object automatically selecting create or update based on the existence of the id field. Will result in something like this:
toIdResource() Map<String, dynamic>
returns the simplest representation of this resource with only the type and the id:
toJson({dynamic includeAttributes = true, dynamic includeRelationships = false}) Map<String, dynamic>
Some api requests only want the type and id of an object. In those cases, set includeAttributes to false or call toIdResource instead.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toUpdateResource() Map<String, dynamic>
create the attributes Map for this object using only the attributes allowed in update (patch) operations


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

canInclude List<String>
possible includes with parameter ?include=a,b
no setter
canOrderBy List<String>
possible orderings with parameter ?order=
no setter
canQuery List<String>
possible queries using parameters like ?wherekey=value or ?wheregt|lt=value
no setter

Static Methods

get({String? id, PcoServicesSongQuery? query, bool getAll = false}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesSong>>
Will get a PcoCollection of PcoServicesSong objects (expecting many) using a path like this: /services/v2/songs
getAll({String? id, PcoServicesSongQuery? query}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesSong>>
Will get a PcoCollection containing ALL PcoServicesSong objects (expecting many) using a path like this: /services/v2/songs
getAllFromServiceTypeAndPlanAndItem(String serviceTypeId, String planId, String itemId, {String? id, PcoServicesSongQuery? query}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesSong>>
Will get a PcoCollection containing ALL PcoServicesSong objects (expecting many) using a path like this: /services/v2/service_types/$serviceTypeId/plans/$planId/items/$itemId/song
getFromServiceTypeAndPlanAndItem(String serviceTypeId, String planId, String itemId, {String? id, PcoServicesSongQuery? query, bool getAll = false}) Future<PcoCollection<PcoServicesSong>>
Will get a PcoCollection of PcoServicesSong objects (expecting many) using a path like this: /services/v2/service_types/$serviceTypeId/plans/$planId/items/$itemId/song
getSingle(String id, {PcoServicesSongQuery? query}) Future<PcoServicesSong?>
Will get a single PcoServicesSong object using a path like this: /services/v2/songs/[id]
getSingleFromServiceTypeAndPlanAndItem(String serviceTypeId, String planId, String itemId, String id, {PcoServicesSongQuery? query}) Future<PcoServicesSong?>
Will get a single PcoServicesSong object using a path like this: /services/v2/service_types/$serviceTypeId/plans/$planId/items/$itemId/song/[id]


kAdmin → const String
kApiVersion → const String
kAuthor → const String
kCcliNumber → const String
kCopyright → const String
kCreatedAt → const String
kCreatePathTemplate → const String
kDefaultPathTemplate → const String
kHidden → const String
kId → const String
kLastScheduledAt → const String
kLastScheduledShortDates → const String
kNotes → const String
kPcoApplication → const String
kThemes → const String
kTitle → const String
kTypeId → const String
kTypeString → const String
kUpdatedAt → const String