PcoServicesServiceTypeQuery class

Creates a PcoServicesServiceTypeQuery object

Possible Includes

(translates to url parameter: ?include=a,b)

Related data may be included by marking desired includeSomething variables as true:

  • includeTimePreferenceOptions: include associated time_preference_options
  • includeAllRelated: include all related objects

Alternatively, you may pass a list of strings to the include argument.

e.g. PcoServicesServiceTypeQuery(includes: ['a', 'b'])

Possible Query Fields

(translates to url parameters like ?where[field_name]=value or ?where[field_name][gt|lt]=value)

PcoServicesServiceType objects can be requested with one or more of the following criteria:

  • whereId: query on a specific id, example: ?whereid=primary_key
  • whereName: query on a specific name, example: ?wherename=string

For each, you may specify a prefix of <, <=, >, >= to query by comparisons

Alternatively, you may pass a List of PlanningCenterApiWhere objects to the where field e.g. PlanningCenterApiQuery(where: [PlanningCenterApiWhere('created_at', '2021-01-01', 'gte')]) See documentation for PlanningCenterApiQuery for more details about the where field.

Possible Ordering

(translates to url parameter: ?order=-updated_at)

Results can be ordered by setting orderBy to an appropriate enum value:

  • PcoServicesServiceTypeOrder.name : will order by name
  • PcoServicesServiceTypeOrder.sequence : will order by sequence

To reverse the order, set reverse to true.

Alternatively, you may pass a string to the order field directly (a prefix of - reverses the order). e.g. PlanningCenterApiQuery(order: '-updated_at')

Extra Params

Many API queries accept extra parameters too. The extraParams mapping will translate directly to url parameters.



PcoServicesServiceTypeQuery({bool includeTimePreferenceOptions = false, String? whereId, String? whereName, PcoServicesServiceTypeFilter? filterBy, PcoServicesServiceTypeOrder? orderBy, bool reverse = false, int perPage = 25, int pageOffset = 0, Map<String, String> extraParams = const {}, List<PlanningCenterApiWhere>? where, Iterable<String> filter = const <String>[], String? order, Iterable<String> include = const <String>[]})


asApiMap Map<String, dynamic>
no setterinherited
asMap Map<String, dynamic>
no setterinherited
extraParams Map<String, String>
extraParams allows you to specify arbitrary url parameters to the API.
getter/setter pairinherited
filter Set<String>
filter should be something like future, past, after, before, no_dates
getter/setter pairinherited
getAll bool
Set this flag to automatically retrieve all possible items for this query
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
include Set<String>
include specifies which related items should be included.
getter/setter pairinherited
order String?
order can usually be one of created_at, updated_at, title, sort_date, but may be others.
getter/setter pairinherited
pageOffset int
getter/setter pairinherited
perPage int
Pagination defaults to 25, maximum allowed seems to be 100
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
where List<PlanningCenterApiWhere>
where should be a map of query parameters.
getter/setter pairinherited


copy() PlanningCenterApiQuery
returns a copy of this query as a new object this method works because Strings and ints are always copied by value
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
withOffset(int offset) PlanningCenterApiQuery
returns a new query only modifying the offset value


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

filterString(PcoServicesServiceTypeFilter filter) String
orderString(PcoServicesServiceTypeOrder order, {bool reverse = false}) String