createPlans method

ACTION: create_plans

Create multiple plans using a path like this:

data can be a JSON String, or JSON serializable Object that follows the JSON:API specifications. The PlanningCenterApiData helper class has been provided for just such a purpose.

Details: This action provides the abillity to create multiple plans with a single API request.

Accepted attributes:

  • count (Integer) The number of plans to create. (max 12, default 1)

  • copy_items (Boolean) Copy Items from another plan. (default false)

  • copy_people (Boolean) Copy People from another plan. (default false)

  • team_ids (ArrayInteger) IDs of teams to copy people from when copy_people is set to true. If nil, copy_people copies from all teams. (default nil)

  • copy_notes (Boolean) Copy Notes from another plan. (default false)

  • as_template (Boolean) Create the new plans as templates (default false)

  • base_date (ISO 8601 Date) The date from which to start building the plans. (default false)

Accepted Relationships

  • plan (optional) The plan from which to copy times, items, people, and notes

  • template (optional) Collection of templates from which to copy items, people, and notes (not times) for each new plan. Order dependant. Takes precedence over plan.


Future<PlanningCenterApiResponse> createPlans(Object data) async {
  if (id == null) {
    return PlanningCenterApiError.messageOnly(
      'Actions must be called on items that already exist on the remote server',
  var url = '$apiEndpoint/create_plans';
  return, verb: 'post', data: data, apiVersion: apiVersion);