pip_services4_aws library
- AwsConnectionParams
- Contains connection parameters to authenticate against Amazon Web Services (AWS) and connect to specific AWS resource.
- AwsConnectionResolver
- Helper class to retrieve AWS connection and credential parameters, validate them and compose a AwsConnectionParams value.
- CloudWatchCounters
- Performance counters that periodically dumps counters to AWS Cloud Watch Metrics.
- CloudWatchLogger
- Logger that writes log messages to AWS Cloud Watch Log.
- CommandableLambdaClient
- Abstract client that calls commandable AWS Lambda Functions.
- CommandableLambdaFunction
- Abstract AWS Lambda function, that acts as a container to instantiate and run components and expose them via external entry point. All actions are automatically generated for commands defined in ICommandable components. Each command is exposed as an action defined by "cmd" parameter.
- DefaultAwsFactory
- Creates AWS components by their descriptors.
- LambdaClient
- Abstract client that calls AWS Lambda Functions.
- LambdaFunction
- Abstract AWS Lambda function, that acts as a container to instantiate and run components and expose them via external entry point.
- TestCommandableLambdaClient
- TestLambdaClient
- AWS Lambda client used for automated testing.