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Roles Microservice Client SDK for Dart

This is a Dart client SDK for pip-services-roles microservice.


Right now the only way to get the microservice is to check it out directly from github repository

git clone git@github.com:pip-services-users/pip-clients-roles-dart.git

Pip.Service team is working to implement packaging and make stable releases available for your as zip downloadable archieves.


Logical contract of the microservice is presented below. For physical implementation (HTTP/REST), please, refer to documentation of the specific protocol.

class UserRolesV1 implements IStringIdentifiable {
  String id;
  List<String> roles;
  DateTime update_time;

abstract class IRolesV1 {
  Future<DataPage<UserRolesV1>> getRolesByFilter(
      String correlationId, FilterParams filter, PagingParams paging);

  Future<List<String>> getRolesById(String correlationId, String userId);

  Future<List<String>> setRoles(String correlationId, String userId, List<String> roles);

  Future<List<String>> grantRoles(String correlationId, String userId, List<String> roles);

  Future<List<String>> revokeRoles(String correlationId, String userId, List<String> roles);

  Future<bool> authorize(String correlationId, String userId, List<String> roles);


The easiest way to work with the microservice is to use client SDK.

Define client configuration parameters that match the configuration of the microservice's external API

// Client configuration
var httpConfig = ConfigParams.fromTuples(
	"connection.protocol", "http",
	"connection.host", "localhost",
	"connection.port", 8080

Instantiate the client and open connection to the microservice

// Create the client instance
var client = RolesHttpClientV1(config);

// Configure the client

// Connect to the microservice
  await client.open(null)
}catch() {
  // Error handling...
// Work with the microservice
// ...

Now the client is ready to perform operations

final ROLES = ['Role 1', 'Role 2', 'Role 3'];

    // Set the roles
    try {
      var role = await client.setRoles('123', '1', ROLES);
      // Do something with the returned roles...
    } catch(err) {
      // Error handling...     
// Get the roles by id
try {
var role = await client.getRolesById(
    // Do something with roles...

    } catch(err) { // Error handling}
// Grant user a role
try {
var role = await client.grantRoles(
    // Do something with roles...

    } catch(err) { // Error handling}

// Authorize user
try {
var role = await client.authorize(
    // Do something with bool value(authorized or not authorized) ...

    } catch(err) { // Error handling}    


This microservice was created and currently maintained by

  • Sergey Seroukhov
  • Nuzhnykh Egor.

