pigeon library
- AstGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates the AST.
- ConfigurePigeon
- Metadata annotation used to configure how Pigeon will generate code.
- CppGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates C++ source code.
- CppOptions
- Options that control how C++ code will be generated.
- DartGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates Dart source code.
- DartOptions
- Options that control how Dart code will be generated.
- DartTestGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates Dart test source code.
- Error
- Represents an error as a result of parsing and generating code.
- Float64List
- A fixed-length list of IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point numbers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- FlutterApi
- Metadata to annotate a Pigeon API implemented by Flutter.
- GeneratorAdapter
- An adapter that will call a generator to write code to a sink based on the contents of PigeonOptions.
- HostApi
- Metadata to annotate a Pigeon API implemented by the host-platform.
- Int32List
- A fixed-length list of 32-bit signed integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Int64List
- A fixed-length list of 64-bit signed integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- JavaGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates Java source code.
- JavaOptions
- Options that control how Java code will be generated.
- KotlinGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates Kotlin source code.
- KotlinOptions
- Options that control how Kotlin code will be generated.
- ObjcGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates Objective-C code.
- ObjcOptions
- Options that control how Objective-C code will be generated.
- ObjCSelector
- Metadata to annotation methods to control the selector used for objc output. The number of components in the provided selector must match the number of arguments in the annotated method. For example: @ObjcSelector('divideValue:by:') double divide(int x, int y);
- ParseResults
- A collection of an AST represented as a Root and Error's.
- Pigeon
- Tool for generating code to facilitate platform channels usage.
- PigeonOptions
- Options used when running the code generator.
- ProxyApi
- Metadata to annotate a Pigeon API that wraps a native class.
- SwiftClass
- Metadata to annotate data classes to be defined as class in Swift output.
- SwiftFunction
- Metadata to annotate methods to control the signature used for Swift output.
- SwiftGeneratorAdapter
- A GeneratorAdapter that generates Swift source code.
- SwiftOptions
- Options that control how Swift code will be generated.
- TaskQueue
- Metadata annotation to control how handlers are dispatched for HostApi's. Note that the TaskQueue API might not be available on the target version of Flutter, see also: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/platform-integration/platform-channels.
- Uint8List
- A fixed-length list of 8-bit unsigned integers.
- TaskQueueType
- Type of TaskQueue which determines how handlers are dispatched for HostApi's.