php_serializer library
Converts Php-Serialized objects into Dart and vice versa
- GenerateDartClassCodeOnMissingDeserializationInformation Fallback Behavior
- Generates dart code representing the passed instance The generated class contains all properties as final properties which allows the class-instances to be const. Additionally a static property phpSerializationObjectInformation is created which can be passed to phpSerialize and phpDeserialize.
- GenerateMapOnMissingDeserializationInformation Fallback Behavior
- Generates a Map<String, dynamic> for objects that do not have matching PhpSerializationObjectInformation.
- NoMatchingObjectDeserializationInformation Fallback Behavior
- Implement this interface to customize the action when there is not matching information for deserialization.
- NoMatchingObjectSerializationInformation Fallback Behavior
- Implement this interface to customize the action when there is not matching information for serialization.
T extends Object> - Contains information about complex objects which can be (de-)serialized
- ThrowExceptionOnMissingDeserializationInformation Fallback Behavior
- Throws an exception of type DeserializationException if there is no matching PhpSerializationObjectInformation for a class.
- ThrowExceptionOnMissingSerializationInformation Fallback Behavior
- Throws an exception of type SerializationException if there is no matching PhpSerializationObjectInformation for a class.
String serializedString, {List< PhpSerializationObjectInformation< ? knownClasses, NoMatchingObjectDeserializationInformation? fallbackObjectDeserialization}) → dynamicObject> > -
Parses a String which could be provided by Php via its function
and returns the resulting object. -
dynamic serializeMe, {List< PhpSerializationObjectInformation< ? knownClasses, NoMatchingObjectSerializationInformation? fallbackObjectSerialization}) → StringObject> > -
Takes an object and converts it into a String which could be deserialized
by Php via its function
Exceptions / Errors
- CustomDeserializationFailed
- Deserialization of an object failed because the user-defined converter function threw an exception.
- CustomSerializationFailed
- Serialization of an object failed because the user-defined converter function threw an exception.
- DeserializationException
- Will be thrown in case phpDeserialize fails for some reason
- InvalidSerializedString
- Deserialization failed because the passed string was invalid
- ObjectWithoutDeserializationInformationFound
- Deserialization of an object failed because there was no matching PhpSerializationObjectInformation provided
- ObjectWithoutSerializationInformationFound
- Serialization of an object failed because there was no matching PhpSerializationObjectInformation provided
- SerializationException
- Will be thrown in case phpSerialize fails for some reason