The Pheasant Framework CLI

This is the package for the Pheasant Command Line Interface Application.

pheasant is a cli tool for creating, testing, running and working on pheasant applications. With this tool, you can quickly get started with creating your pheasant projects with ease.

New to Pheasant?

You can get started with the pheasant framework here.

Getting Started


Because of the scope/range of the dart compiler, you may not be able to run development versions of your projects outside Google Chrome. For now, ensure that you have Google Chrome installed on your system, or run your projects in release mode.

In order to install the cli, all you need to do is run the following command

dart pub global activate pheasant_cli

Once this command is run, the pheasant cli executable will be installed to your system. From there you can start using the pheasant command

pheasant -v

Useful Commands

Create a Project

In order to create a new pheasant project, run the following command and answer the prompts to configure the project (the answers to "y/N" questions default to "No").

pheasant init <proj-name> [-d <directory>]

You can also use the create command in place of the init commmand.

Run a Project Server

Run the following command at the root of your project:

pheasant run [-p <port-number>]

You can also use the serve command in place of the run command, but you may not be able to run release modes of the project with the serve command.

Build a Project Server for Deployment

pheasant build

If you want to check out all the commands this has, you can quickly run pheasant or pheasant --help. In order to get info on a certain command, run pheasant help <command>.


This project uses the MIT License.
