persian_tools library

persian_tools is main lib


The means to gathering information from barcode or id and payment id of a bill
Takes motorcycle or car plate and gives information based on it
Takes Sheba code and gives information from it


Determines language of the digits in wordsToNumber and wordsToNumberString functions.


AddOrdinalSuffix on String
String Extension wrapper to adding ordinal suffix to String object
BankNameFromCardNumber on String
String Extension wrapper to getting bank name from String object
CommasNum on num
num Extension wrapper to adding comma to the String object
CommasString on String
String Extension wrapper to removing and adding comma to the String object
NationalId on String
String Extension wrapper to checking iranian national id verification
NumberToPersianWordsInt on int
int Extension wrapper to convert number to Persian word on int object
NumberToPersianWordsString on String
String Extension wrapper to convert number to Persian word on String object
PhoneNumberExtension on String
String Extension wrapper to use getPhonePrefix, getPhoneNumberDetail and phoneNumberValidator on String object
PlaceByNationalId on String
String Extension wrapper to getting place information from String object as national id
RemoveOrdinalSuffix on String
String Extension wrapper to remove ordinal suffix on String object
VehiclePlate on String
String Extension wrapper to creating plate based on the String object
WordsToNumber on String
String Extension wrapper to convert String object to its equivalent number in int and String.


billTypesMap Map<int, String>
Saves bill types as a Map<int, String>


addCommas(Object number) String
Takes an integer or string and add commas as separator NOTE: it converts Fa digits to En digits
addOrdinalSuffix(String number) String
Adds ordinal suffixes to numbers
carHandler(NormalizedPlate plate) → PlateInfo
Gives car's plate information from its normalized form of the plate
convertArToEn(String digits) String
Takes a String that includes Arabic digits and converts them to English digits
convertArToFa(String digits) String
Takes a String that includes Arabic digits and converts them to Persian digits
convertEnToAr(String digits) String
Takes a String that includes English digits and coverts them to Persian digits
convertEnToFa(String digits) String
Takes a String that includes English digits and coverts them to Persian digits
convertFaToEn(String digits) String
Takes a String that includes Persian digits and converts them to English digits
getBankNameFromCardNumber(String cardNumber) → Bank?
Checks the cardNumber is a valid bank card and returns the Bank info if it isn't a valid card or not related to a bank it will returns null
getPhoneNumberDetail(String phoneNumber) → OperatorDetail?
Finds information such as province, type and model of phone number.
getPhonePrefix(String phoneNumber) String
Returns the phone number prefix
getPlaceByIranNationalId(String nationalId) → NationalIdPlace?
Gives the place information based on the given String as national id
getPlateHandler(NormalizedPlate plate) PlateHandler
Gives plate handler based on normalized form of the plate
getPlateInfo(NormalizedPlate plate) → PlateInfo
Gives plate information from its normalized form in normalizePlate
hasPersian(String input, [bool isComplex = false]) bool
Check is the input string includes Persian alphabet or not returns true if the input is matched with Farsi char dataset RegExp, if not returns false
isPersian(String input, [bool isComplex = false, Pattern? trimPattern]) bool
Check is the input string Persian or not returns true if the input is matched with Farsi char dataset RegExp, if not returns false
isPlateNumberValid(String number) bool
Checks plate number validation
isPlateValid(PlateInfo plateInfo, NormalizedPlate normalizedPlate) bool
Checks plate validation
motorcycleHandler(NormalizedPlate plate) → PlateInfo
Gives motorcycle's plate information from its normalized form of the plate
normalizePlate(String plate) → NormalizedPlate
Normalizes the Plate (or separate char part from number part)
numberToWords(int number, {bool ordinal = false}) String
Returns Persian word of the given number in int You can determine returned string has ordinal suffix or not by ordinal flag.
numberToWordsString(String number, {bool ordinal = false}) String?
Returns Persian word of the given number in String. Number can contain commas. You can determine returned string has ordinal suffix or not by ordinal flag.
phoneNumberValidator(String phoneNumber) bool
validate phone number and returns true if the given String phone number matched with pattern otherwise returns false.
removeCommas(String number) num
Takes a string and it should be includes integer then remove all the commas
removeOrdinalSuffix(String word) String
Removes ordinal suffixes to numbers
urlFix(String url) String
Takes an URL in http/s , ws/s as String and fix the Persian characters in it
validateCardNumber(String cardNumber) bool
Checks validation of the given ATM card number
verifyIranianNationalId(String value) bool
Checks the given String is an iranian national ID or not
wordsToNumber(String words) int?
Returns equivalent number in int of the given words
wordsToNumberString(String words, {DigitLocale digits = DigitLocale.en, bool addComma = false}) String?
Returns equivalent number in String of the given words.


PlateHandler = PlateInfo Function(NormalizedPlate)
Plate handler functions typedef