sliding_sheet library
- ParallaxSpec
- A ParallaxSpec to create a parallax effect.
- PerceiveSlidable
- Sliding sheet with a built in page view and page navigation
- PerceiveSlidableController
- Controller for the sheet
- PerceiveSlidableDelegate
- PerceiveSlidableState
- ScrollablePerceiveSlidableDelegate
- Provides a builder that provides the current scroll controller
- ScrollSpec
- Defines the scroll effects, physics and more.
- SheetController
- A controller for a SlidingSheet.
- SheetListenerBuilder
- A widget that can be used to react to changes in the SheetState of a SlidingSheet.
- SheetState
- A data class containing state information about the SlidingSheet such as the extent and scroll offset.
- SlidingSheet
- A widget that can be dragged and scrolled in a single gesture and snapped to a list of extents.
- SlidingSheetStateController
when the frames have been loaded in Is used to set the duration and frame count for theGifAnimationController
- SnapSpec
- Defines how a SlidingSheet should snap, or if it should at all.
- SnapPositioning
- How the snaps will be positioned.
T> (BuildContext context, {required SlidingSheet builder(BuildContext context), Widget parentBuilder(BuildContext context, SlidingSheet sheet)?, RouteSettings? routeSettings, bool resizeToAvoidBottomInset = true}) → Future< T?> - Shows a SlidingSheet as a material design bottom sheet.
- CustomSheetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ScrollController controller, SheetState state)
- OnDismissPreventedCallback = void Function(bool backButton, bool backDrop)
- SheetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, SheetState state)
- SheetListener = void Function(SheetState state)