patapata_riverpod library


Gets a LocalConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a LocalConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a LocalConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a LocalConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a LocalConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a LocalConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a LocalConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a LocalConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.


localConfigBoolProvider → const LocalConfigBoolFamily
Gets a LocalConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
localConfigDoubleProvider → const LocalConfigDoubleFamily
Gets a LocalConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
localConfigIntProvider → const LocalConfigIntFamily
Gets a LocalConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
localConfigStringProvider → const LocalConfigStringFamily
Gets a LocalConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigBoolProvider → const RemoteConfigBoolFamily
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigDoubleProvider → const RemoteConfigDoubleFamily
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigIntProvider → const RemoteConfigIntFamily
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigStringProvider → const RemoteConfigStringFamily
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.


analyticsProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<Analytics>
Access to Analytics.
appProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<App<Object>>
The App instance.
deviceInfoProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<DeviceInfoPlugin>
Access to DeviceInfo.
globalAnalyticsContextProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<AnalyticsContext>
Access to the global AnalyticsContext from Analytics.globalContext.
localConfigProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<Raw<LocalConfig>>
Access to LocalConfig. Whenever LocalConfig changes, this provider will be updated.
networkInformationProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<NetworkInformation>
Access to a stream of NetworkInformation. Whenever NetworkInformation changes, this provider will be updated.
packageInfoProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<PackageInfoPlugin>
Access to PackageInfo.
remoteConfigProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<Raw<RemoteConfig>>
Access to RemoteConfig. Whenever RemoteConfig changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteMessagingMessagesProvider → AutoDisposeStreamProvider<RemoteMessage>
Access to RemoteMessaging.messages. Whenever a new RemoteMessage is receieved via RemoteMessaging.messages, this provider will be updated. The first execution of this will return the initial message from RemoteMessaging.getInitialMessage.
remoteMessagingProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<Raw<RemoteMessaging>>
Access to RemoteMessaging. Whenever RemoteMessaging changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteMessagingTokensProvider → AutoDisposeStreamProvider<String?>
Access to RemoteMessaging.tokens. Whenever a new token is receieved via RemoteMessaging.tokens, this provider will be updated. The first execution of this will return the current token from RemoteMessaging.getToken.
userProvider → AutoDisposeProvider<Raw<User>>
The current User. Whenever User changes, this provider will be updated.


analytics(Ref<Object?> ref) → Analytics
Access to Analytics.
app(Ref<Object?> ref) → App<Object>
The App instance.
deviceInfo(Ref<Object?> ref) → DeviceInfoPlugin
Access to DeviceInfo.
globalAnalyticsContext(Ref<Object?> ref) → AnalyticsContext
Access to the global AnalyticsContext from Analytics.globalContext.
localConfig(Ref<Object?> ref) → Raw<LocalConfig>
Access to LocalConfig. Whenever LocalConfig changes, this provider will be updated.
localConfigBool(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [bool defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForBool]) bool
Gets a LocalConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
localConfigDouble(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [double defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForDouble]) double
Gets a LocalConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
localConfigInt(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [int defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForInt]) int
Gets a LocalConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
localConfigString(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [String defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForString]) String
Gets a LocalConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
networkInformation(Ref<Object?> ref) → NetworkInformation
Access to a stream of NetworkInformation. Whenever NetworkInformation changes, this provider will be updated.
packageInfo(Ref<Object?> ref) → PackageInfoPlugin
Access to PackageInfo.
remoteConfig(Ref<Object?> ref) → Raw<RemoteConfig>
Access to RemoteConfig. Whenever RemoteConfig changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigBool(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [bool defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForBool]) bool
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a bool. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigDouble(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [double defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForDouble]) double
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a double. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigInt(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [int defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForInt]) int
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a int. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteConfigString(Ref<Object?> ref, String key, [String defaultValue = Config.defaultValueForString]) String
Gets a RemoteConfig value as a String. Whenever this key changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteMessaging(Ref<Object?> ref) → Raw<RemoteMessaging>
Access to RemoteMessaging. Whenever RemoteMessaging changes, this provider will be updated.
remoteMessagingMessages(Ref<Object?> ref) Stream<RemoteMessage>
Access to RemoteMessaging.messages. Whenever a new RemoteMessage is receieved via RemoteMessaging.messages, this provider will be updated. The first execution of this will return the initial message from RemoteMessaging.getInitialMessage.
remoteMessagingTokens(Ref<Object?> ref) Stream<String?>
Access to RemoteMessaging.tokens. Whenever a new token is receieved via RemoteMessaging.tokens, this provider will be updated. The first execution of this will return the current token from RemoteMessaging.getToken.
user(Ref<Object?> ref) → Raw<User>
The current User. Whenever User changes, this provider will be updated.


AnalyticsRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<Analytics>
AppRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<App<Object>>
DeviceInfoRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<DeviceInfoPlugin>
GlobalAnalyticsContextRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<AnalyticsContext>
LocalConfigRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<Raw<LocalConfig>>
NetworkInformationRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<NetworkInformation>
PackageInfoRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<PackageInfoPlugin>
RemoteConfigRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<Raw<RemoteConfig>>
RemoteMessagingMessagesRef = AutoDisposeStreamProviderRef<RemoteMessage>
RemoteMessagingRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<Raw<RemoteMessaging>>
RemoteMessagingTokensRef = AutoDisposeStreamProviderRef<String?>
UserRef = AutoDisposeProviderRef<Raw<User>>