getSelectionStart function

int? getSelectionStart(
  1. Element? input

Returns the index of the first selected character in input.

To workaround a bug in Chrome, returns null for EmailInputElement and NumberInputElement on Chrome. null will also be returned for any input that does not support selectionStart.



int? getSelectionStart(Element? input) {
  if (input is TextAreaElement) {
    return input.selectionStart;
  } else if (input is InputElement && supportsSelectionRange(input)) {
    final inputType = input.getAttribute('type');

    if (browser.isChrome || browser.isFirefox) {
      if (inputType == 'email' || inputType == 'number') {
        // ignore: avoid_returning_null
        return null;

    return input.selectionStart;

  // ignore: avoid_returning_null
  return null;