composeHocs<R> function

R Function(R) composeHocs<R>(
  1. Iterable<R Function(R)> functions

Returns a single HOC instance from multiple of the same instance.

When it is necessary to wrap a UiComponentFactory in multiple HOCs, this can be used to declare those HOCs in a flat list, rather than nested with excessive indentation.

functions: A list of HOCs (usually UiFactories) that will be combined into a single HOC with the same function signature.


// Without composeHocs:
UiFactory<BigBlockProps> BigBlock = connect<RandomColorStore, BigBlockProps>(
  // `connect` implementation
)(connect<LowLevelStore, BigBlockProps>(
  // `connect` implementation
)(connect<AnotherColorStore, BigBlockProps>(
  // `connect` implementation

// With composeHocs:
UiFactory<BigBlockProps> BigBlock = composeHocs([
  connect<RandomColorStore, BigBlockProps>(
    // `connect` implementation
  connect<LowLevelStore, BigBlockProps>(
    // `connect` implementation
  connect<AnotherColorStore, BigBlockProps>(
    // `connect` implementation


R Function(R) composeHocs<R>(Iterable<R Function(R)> functions) {
  return functions.reduce((a, b) => (result) => a(b(result)));