execute method

Stream<OtaEvent> execute(
  1. String url, {
  2. Map<String, String> headers = const <String, String>{},
  3. String? androidProviderAuthority,
  4. String? destinationFilename,
  5. String? sha256checksum,

Execute download and instalation of the plugin. Download progress and all success or error states are publish in stream as OtaEvent


Stream<OtaEvent> execute(
  String url, {
  Map<String, String> headers = const <String, String>{},
  String? androidProviderAuthority,
  String? destinationFilename,
  String? sha256checksum,
}) {
  if (destinationFilename != null && destinationFilename.contains('/')) {
    throw OtaUpdateException('Invalid filename $destinationFilename');
  final StreamController<OtaEvent> controller = StreamController<OtaEvent>.broadcast();
  if (_progressStream == null) {
      <dynamic, dynamic>{
        'url': url,
        'androidProviderAuthority': androidProviderAuthority,
        'filename': destinationFilename,
        'checksum': sha256checksum,
        'headers': jsonEncode(headers)
    ).listen((dynamic event) {
      final OtaEvent otaEvent = _toOtaEvent(event.cast<String>());
      if (otaEvent.status != OtaStatus.DOWNLOADING) {
    }).onError((Object error) {
      if (error is PlatformException) {
        controller.add(_toOtaEvent(<String?>[error.code, error.message]));
    _progressStream = controller.stream;
  return _progressStream!;