
This is a cross platform command line application for accessing the API of openthesaurus.



Run program with dart

dart run src/main.dart <query>

Run as binary

  • macOS, linux: ./ot.exe <query>
  • windows : ot.exe <query>

Build yourself

You can also build it yourself with

dart compile exe bin/ot.dart -o ot

which creates a binary file ot and which you can add into your ~/bin folder.


Run openthesaurus with the following options

ot [options] <query>

-a, --similar                Return similar spelled words, helpful for misspellings
-b, --sub                    Return words that are more specific to the query
-e, --baseform               Return the base form of the queried word
-f, --from=<NUMBER>          Return substrings with the starting position. Can only be used with '--start' flag
-m, --maxResults=<NUMBER>    Limit the number of substring results. Can only be used with '--start' flag
-p, --sup                    Return words that are more generic to the query
-s, --startswith             Return words that have the same starting letters as the query


This program has been inspired by radomirbosak/duden.
