objectx library

Support for doing something awesome.

More dartdocs go here.


MapReader on Map<K, V>
Get the value in map
ObjectLet on T
Extension for any Object Note: This extension is not work in core.dynamic type, cast to Object? or somethings like that to use it.
ObjectLetOrNull on T?
Extension for Nullable Object Note: This extension is not work in core.dynamic type, cast to Object? or somethings like that to use it.
ObjectPrint on Object?
Extension for Nullable Object Note: This extension is not work in core.dynamic type, cast to Object? or somethings like that to use it.
StringReader on String
Parse String to num, int, double, and bool Return null if can not parse


let<R, T>(T value, R p0(T it)) → R
Create a closure for value
letOrNull<R, T>(T? value, R p0(T it), {required R onNull()}) → R
Create a closure for value Call p0 if value is null and p1 for otherwise.\


CastDelegate<T, R> = R Function(T it)
Convert T type to R type