IPermissions class abstract

Implemented types




addReactions bool
Allows to add reactions
no setter
administrator bool
True if user is administrator
no setter
attachFiles bool
True if user can attach files in messages
no setter
banMembers bool
True if user can ban members
no setter
changeNickname bool
True if user can change nick
no setter
connect bool
True if user can connect to voice channel
no setter
createInstantInvite bool
True if user can create InstantInvite
no setter
createPrivateThreads bool
Allows for creating and participating in private threads
no setter
createPublicThreads bool
Allows for creating and participating in threads
no setter
deafenMembers bool
True if user can deafen members
no setter
True if user can send links in messages
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
kickMembers bool
True if user can kick members
no setter
manageChannels bool
True if user can manager channels
no setter
manageEmojis bool
Allows management and editing of emojis
no setter
manageGuild bool
True if user can manager guilds
no setter
manageMessages bool
True if user can manage messages
no setter
manageNicknames bool
True if user can manager others nicknames
no setter
manageRoles bool
True if user can manage server's roles
no setter
manageThreads bool
Allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threads
no setter
manageWebhooks bool
True if user can manage webhooks
no setter
mentionEveryone bool
True if user can mention everyone
no setter
moveMembers bool
True if user can move members
no setter
muteMembers bool
True if user can mute members
no setter
prioritySpeaker bool
Allows for using priority speaker in a voice channel
no setter
raw int
The raw permission code.
readMessageHistory bool
True if user can read messages history
no setter
requestToSpeak bool
Allows for requesting to speak in stage channels
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sendMessages bool
True if user can send messages
no setter
sendMessagesInThreads bool
True if user can send messages in threads
no setter
sendTtsMessages bool
True if user can send TTF messages
no setter
speak bool
True if user can speak
no setter
startEmbeddedActivities bool
Allows for launching activities in a voice channel
no setter
stream bool
Allows the user to go live
no setter
useExternalEmojis bool
True if user can use external emojis
no setter
useExternalStickers bool
Allows the usage of custom stickers from other servers
no setter
useSlashCommands bool
Allows members to use slash commands in text channels
no setter
useVad bool
Allows for using voice-activity-detection in a voice channel
no setter
viewAuditLog bool
Allow to view audit logs
no setter
viewChannel bool
Allow viewing channels (OLD READ_MESSAGES)
no setter
viewGuildInsights bool
Allows for viewing guild insights
no setter


hasPermission(int permission) bool
Returns true if this permissions has permission
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toBuilder() PermissionsBuilder
Returns instance of Builder with current data
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.