Guild class



afkChannel Cacheable<Snowflake, VoiceGuildChannel>?
The guild's afk channel ID, null if not set.
getter/setter pair
afkTimeout int
The guild's AFK timeout.
available bool
Whether or not the guild is available.
channels Iterable<GuildChannel>
The guild's channels.
no setter
client INyxx
Reference to Nyxx instance
createdAt DateTime
Gets creation timestamp included in Snowflake
no setterinherited
currentUserPermissions Permissions?
Permission of current(bot) user in this guild
discoverySplash String?
Discovery splash hash
getter/setter pair
embedChannel Cacheable<Snowflake, TextGuildChannel>?
The channel ID for the guild's widget if enabled.
embedEnabled bool?
If the guild's widget is enabled.
emojis Cache<Snowflake, IGuildEmoji>
Guild custom emojis
everyoneRole Role
Getter for @everyone role
no setter
features Iterable<GuildFeature>
enabled guild features
fileUploadLimit int
File upload limit for channel in bytes.
no setter
guildNsfwLevel GuildNsfwLevel
Nsfw level of guild
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
icon String?
The guild's icon hash.
getter/setter pair
id Snowflake
ID of entity as Snowflake
members Cache<Snowflake, Member>
The guild's members.
mfaLevel int
The guild's MFA level.
name String
The guild's name.
notificationLevel int
The guild's notification level.
owner Cacheable<Snowflake, User>
The guild owner's ID
preferredLocale String
the preferred locale of a "PUBLIC" guild used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"
premiumSubscriptionCount int?
The number of boosts this server currently has
premiumTier PremiumTier
Boost level of guild
publicUpdatesChannel CacheableTextChannel<TextChannel>?
the id of the channel where admins and moderators of "PUBLIC" guilds receive notices from Discord
region String
The guild's voice region.
getter/setter pair
roles Cache<Snowflake, Role>
The guild's roles.
rulesChannel Cacheable<Snowflake, TextChannel>?
Channel where "PUBLIC" guilds display rules and/or guidelines
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selfMember Cacheable<Snowflake, Member>
Returns member object for bot user
no setter
shard Shard
Returns this guilds shard
no setter
splash String?
Splash hash
getter/setter pair
stageInstances Iterable<StageChannelInstance>
Stage instances in the guild
stickers Iterable<GuildSticker>
Stickers of this guild
systemChannel Cacheable<Snowflake, TextGuildChannel>?
System channel where system messages are sent
systemChannelFlags int
System Channel Flags
url String
Returns url to this guild.
no setter
verificationLevel int
The guild's verification level.
voiceStates Cache<Snowflake, VoiceState>
Users state cache


ban(SnowflakeEntity user, {int deleteMessageDays = 0, String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Bans a user and allows to delete messages from deleteMessageDays number of days.
changeOwner(SnowflakeEntity memberEntity, {String? auditReason}) Future<Guild>
Change guild owner.
createChannel(ChannelBuilder channelBuilder) Future<IChannel>
Allows to create new guild channel
createEmoji(String name, {List<SnowflakeEntity>? roles, AttachmentBuilder? emojiAttachment}) Future<GuildEmoji>
Allows to create new guild emoji. name is required and you have to specify one of other parameters: imageFile, imageBytes or encodedImage. imageBytes can be useful if you want to create image from http response.
createRole(RoleBuilder roleBuilder, {String? auditReason}) Future<Role>
Creates new role
createSticker(StickerBuilder builder) Future<GuildSticker>
Creates sticker in current guild
delete() Future<void>
Deletes the guild.
discoveryURL({String format = "webp", int size = 128}) String?
URL to guilds discovery splash If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
edit({String? name, int? verificationLevel, int? notificationLevel, SnowflakeEntity? afkChannel, int? afkTimeout, String? icon, String? auditReason}) Future<Guild>
Edits the guild.
fetchAuditLogs({Snowflake? userId, int? actionType, Snowflake? before, int? limit}) Future<AuditLog>
Returns Audit logs.
fetchEmoji(Snowflake emojiId) Future<IGuildEmoji>
Fetches emoji from API
fetchGuildInvites() Stream<Invite>
Returns list of Guilds invites
fetchGuildPreview() Future<GuildPreview>
Fetches guild preview for this guild. Allows to download approx member count in guild
fetchMember(Snowflake memberId) Future<Member>
Fetches member from API
fetchMembers({int limit = 1, Snowflake? after}) Stream<Member>
Allows to fetch guild members. In future will be restricted with Privileged Intents. after is used to continue from specified user id. By default limits to one user - use limit parameter to change that behavior.
fetchRoles() Stream<Role>
Fetches all roles that are in the server.
fetchSticker(Snowflake id) Future<GuildSticker>
Fetch sticker with given id
fetchStickers() Stream<GuildSticker>
Fetches all stickers of current guild
getBan(Snowflake bannedUserId) Future<Ban>
Gets single Ban object for given bannedUserId
getBans() Stream<Ban>
Get"s the guild's bans.
getVoiceRegions() Stream<VoiceRegion>
Returns list of available VoiceRegions
guildWidgetUrl([String style = "shield"]) String
Allows to download Guild widget aka advert png Possible options for style: shield (default), banner1, banner2, banner3, banner4
iconURL({String format = "webp", int size = 128}) String?
The guild's icon, represented as URL. If guild doesn't have icon it returns null.
kick(SnowflakeEntity user, {String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Kicks user from guild. Member is removed from guild and he is able to rejoin
leave() Future<void>
Leaves the guild.
modifyCurrentMember({String? nick}) Future<void>
Change self nickname in guild
moveChannel(IChannel channel, int position, {String? auditReason}) Future<void>
Moves channel
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
prune(int days, {Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles, String? auditReason}) Future<int>
Prunes the guild, returns the amount of members pruned.
pruneCount(int days, {Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles}) Future<int>
Returns int indicating the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
requestChunking() → void
Request members from gateway. Requires privileged intents in order to work.
searchMembers(String query, {int limit = 1}) Stream<Member>
Returns a Stream of Members objects whose username or nickname starts with a provided string. By default limits to one entry - can be changed with limit parameter.
searchMembersGateway(String query, {int limit = 0}) Stream<Member>
Returns a Stream of Members objects whose username or nickname starts with a provided string. By default limits to one entry - can be changed with limit parameter.
splashURL({String format = "webp", int size = 128}) String?
URL to guild's splash. If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unban(Snowflake id, Snowflake userId) Future<void>
Unbans a user by ID.


operator ==(dynamic other) bool
The equality operator.