init static method

dynamic init({
  1. ErrorStackLogLevel level = ErrorStackLogLevel.verbose,
  2. String initialRoute = "/",
  3. Widget errorWidget(
    1. FlutterErrorDetails errorDetails
  4. bool forceDebugWidget = false,

Initialize the ErrorStack package You can set the level to ErrorStackLogLevel.verbose to see more details You can set the initialRoute to the route you want to navigate to when an error occurs You can set the errorWidget to a custom error widget


static init({
  ErrorStackLogLevel level = ErrorStackLogLevel.verbose,
  String initialRoute = "/",
  Widget Function(FlutterErrorDetails errorDetails)? errorWidget,
  bool forceDebugWidget = false,
}) async {
  ErrorStack.instance.initialRoute = initialRoute;
  ErrorStack.instance.themeMode = await
          .read(key: '${ErrorStack.storageKey}_theme_mode') ??
  ErrorWidget.builder = (FlutterErrorDetails errorDetails) {
    if (kReleaseMode && !forceDebugWidget) {
      if (errorWidget != null) {
        return errorWidget(errorDetails);
      return ErrorStackReleaseWidget(errorDetails: errorDetails);
    return ErrorStackDebugWidget(errorDetails: errorDetails);
  FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {
    String stack = details.stack.toString();
    RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'(\(package:[A-z/.:0-9]+\))');
    RegExp webRegExp = RegExp(r'packages/[A-z_]+(/([A-z/.:0-9]+)\s[0-9:]+)');

    Iterable<RegExpMatch> regMatches = regExp.allMatches(stack);

    String? className = '';
    if (regMatches.isNotEmpty) {
      className =;

    if (className == null || className.isEmpty) {
      Iterable<RegExpMatch> webRegMatches = webRegExp.allMatches(stack);
      if (webRegMatches.isNotEmpty) {
        className =;

    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('ð–¢¥ == Error Details == ð–¢¥');
      String exceptionAsString = details.exceptionAsString();
      if (exceptionAsString.isNotEmpty) {

      if ((className ?? "").isNotEmpty) {
        print('File: $className');
      String exception = "${details.exceptionAsString()} flutter";
      String encodedQuery = Uri.encodeQueryComponent(exception);
      print('Google: ($encodedQuery)');
      if (level == ErrorStackLogLevel.verbose) {
        print("Stack: $stack");