number_inc_dec library
- NumberInputPrefabbed
- A set of pre-fabricated widgets based on NumberInputWithIncrementDecrement.
- NumberInputWithIncrementDecrement
- A simple widget that wraps a TextFormField, exposes it as a number field and adds buttons to increment and decrement the numeric value. Performs some basic validation, formatting to fractionDigits and clamping the values between min and max when enabled through enableMinMaxClamping.
- ButtonArrangement
- A set of button arrangements for the widget.
- DiffIncDecCallBack = void Function(num newValue)
- A definition for the callback function. This is the expected function definition for the callbacks after increment and decrement. The callback will be passed the new value. The same can be read as a string from NumberInputWithIncrementDecrement.controller.
- ValueCallBack = void Function(num newValue)
- This is the expected function definition for the callbacks via onSubmitted. The callback will be passed the new value.