NUIMiniProgramFile constructor

  1. required String filename,
  2. String? bytesString,
  3. required List<String> extensions,
  4. Uint8List? bytes,


NUIMiniProgramFile({required this.filename, String? bytesString, required this.extensions, Uint8List? bytes}){
  assert(bytesString != null || bytes != null, "Either bytesString or bytes must be provided");

  // If the bytes is provided, convert the bytes from [Uint8List] into base64 to before message transfer
  if(bytes != null) {
    try {
      bytesString = base64.encode(bytes);
    } catch (e, s) {
      print("[NUIMiniProgramMessage] Failed to base64 encode bytes to bytes string with error: $e, stack: $s");