subscribeAndRetrieveData<T> method

Future<T?> subscribeAndRetrieveData<T>(
  1. String topic, {
  2. dynamic timeout = const Duration(seconds: 2, milliseconds: 500),

Temporarily creates a subscription to the topic and returns the first value the server sends

topic should be the full path to the topic you wish to retrieve data from Example: '/SmartDashboard/SomeTopic'

timeout should be the maximum time the client should spend attempting to retrieve data from the topic before returning null, defaults to 2.5 seconds


Future<T?> subscribeAndRetrieveData<T>(String topic,
    {timeout = const Duration(seconds: 2, milliseconds: 500)}) async {
  NT4Subscription subscription = subscribePeriodic(topic);

  T? value;

  try {
    value = subscription
        .firstWhere((element) => element != null && element is T)
        .timeout(timeout) as T?;
  } catch (e) {
    value = null;


  return value;