normalizeOperation function

void normalizeOperation({
  1. required void write(
    1. String dataId,
    2. Map<String, dynamic>? value
  2. required Map<String, dynamic>? read(
    1. String dataId
  3. required DocumentNode document,
  4. required Map<String, dynamic> data,
  5. String? operationName,
  6. Map<String, dynamic> variables = const {},
  7. Map<String, TypePolicy> typePolicies = const {},
  8. DataIdResolver? dataIdFromObject,
  9. bool addTypename = false,
  10. bool acceptPartialData = true,
  11. String referenceKey = kDefaultReferenceKey,
  12. Map<String, Set<String>> possibleTypes = const {},

Normalizes data for a given query

Pass in read and write functions to read and write the result to the denormalized map.

IDs are generated for each entity based on the following:

  1. If no __typename field exists, the entity will not be normalized.
  2. If a TypePolicy is provided for the given type, it's TypePolicy.keyFields are used.
  3. If a dataIdFromObject funciton is provided, the result is used.
  4. The 'id' or '_id' field (respectively) are used.

The referenceKey is used to reference the ID of a normalized object. It should begin with '$' since a graphl response object key cannot begin with that symbol. If none is provided, we will use '$ref' by default.


void normalizeOperation({
  required void Function(String dataId, Map<String, dynamic>? value) write,
  required Map<String, dynamic>? Function(String dataId) read,
  required DocumentNode document,
  required Map<String, dynamic> data,
  String? operationName,
  Map<String, dynamic> variables = const {},
  Map<String, TypePolicy> typePolicies = const {},
  DataIdResolver? dataIdFromObject,
  bool addTypename = false,
  bool acceptPartialData = true,
  String referenceKey = kDefaultReferenceKey,
  Map<String, Set<String>> possibleTypes = const {},
}) {
  if (addTypename) {
    document = transform(

  final operationDefinition = getOperationDefinition(document, operationName);
  final rootTypeName = resolveRootTypename(operationDefinition, typePolicies);

  final dataId = resolveDataId(
        data: {
          '__typename': rootTypeName,
        typePolicies: typePolicies,
        dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject,
      ) ??

  final config = NormalizationConfig(
    read: read,
    variables: variables,
    typePolicies: typePolicies,
    referenceKey: referenceKey,
    fragmentMap: getFragmentMap(document),
    addTypename: addTypename,
    dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject,
    allowPartialData: acceptPartialData,
    allowDanglingReference: false,
    possibleTypes: possibleTypes,

      selectionSet: operationDefinition.selectionSet,
      dataForNode: data,
      config: config,
      write: write,
      root: true,
    ) as Map<String, dynamic>?,