get<R extends Bloc> static method

R get<R extends Bloc>(
  1. {BuildContext? context,
  2. dynamic arg,
  3. bool useCache = true}

Called whenever an application needs an already added Bloc

The blocs which are once instantiated, can also be cached using the useCache option The bloc type T and the provided arg are both matched to return the cached bloc


static R get<R extends Bloc>({
  BuildContext? context,
  bool useCache = true,
}) {
  assert(arg == null || isValueType(arg),
      '${arg.runtimeType} does not implement equality ');

  if (!_blocs.containsKey(R)) {
    throw ArgumentError(
      '$R was not found in this container. Did you forgot to add() it',

  if (!useCache) {
    return _blocs[R]!(context, arg);

  final cacheKey = TypeAndArg(R, arg);

  return _cache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, () => _blocs[R]!(context, arg)) as R;