nimbus4flutter library

This is a library for developing Flutter applications that communicate with a web server built using Project Nimbus.

It consists of the following two main functionalities

  • DataSet, which is a dynamic generic DTO.
  • Abstraction of the server's API Api


Api<I, O>
A class that abstracts the server API.
ApiHttp<I, O, Q extends BaseRequest, S extends BaseResponse>
A single API.
ApiIO<I, O>
A single API.
Register and manage ApiServer and Api.
It contains information about the server with the API and its processing.
It contains information about the server with the API and its processing.
It contains information about the server with the API and its processing.
DataSet is a dynamic generic DTO.
Define the schema for the fields in Record and RecordList.
An aggregated API that calls multiple APIs in parallel.
A DataSet with a query.
Class that defines the field name of a DataSet with a query.
Record is a dynamic DTO that represents a one-dimensional data structure.
RecordList is a dynamic DTO that represents a two-dimensional data structure.
Define the schema for Record.
Processing context of a request to the server.
SequencialApi<I, O>
An aggregated API that calls multiple APIs in series.


immutable → const Immutable
Used to annotate a class C. Indicates that C and all subtypes of C must be immutable.
required → const Required
Used to annotate a named parameter p in a method or function f. Indicates that every invocation of f must include an argument corresponding to p, despite the fact that p would otherwise be an optional parameter.


loadSetting<T>(String name, T setting) Future<T?>
saveSetting(String name, Object setting) → void


ApiHttpRequestBuilder<I, Q extends BaseRequest> = Future<void> Function(Q request, I? input, dynamic serverBuilder(BaseRequest request, I? input))
Function to process of building HttpClientRequest, an HTTP request to the server.
ApiHttpResponseParser<O, S extends BaseResponse> = Future<void> Function(S response, O? output, dynamic serverParser(BaseResponse response, O? output))
Function to process of parsing from HttpClientResponse, an HTTP response from the server, to the output DTO.
ApiInOutCreator<T> = T? Function(RequestContext context)
Function to create a DTO for input and output to an API.
ApiIORequestBuilder<I> = void Function(HttpClientRequest request, I? input, dynamic serverBuilder(HttpClientRequest request, I? input))
Function to process of building HttpClientRequest, an HTTP request to the server.
ApiIOResponseParser<O> = Future<void> Function(HttpClientResponse response, O? output, dynamic serverParser(HttpClientResponse response, O? output))
Function to process of parsing from HttpClientResponse, an HTTP response from the server, to the output DTO.
ApiServerHttpClientBuilder = void Function(Client client)
ApiServerHttpRequestBuilder = Future<void> Function(BaseRequest request, HttpMethod method, Object? input)
ApiServerHttpResponseParser = Future<void> Function(BaseResponse response, HttpMethod method, Object? output)
ApiServerIOClientBuilder = void Function(HttpClient client)
ApiServerIORequestBuilder = void Function(HttpClientRequest request, HttpMethod method, Object? input)
ApiServerIOResponseParser = Future<void> Function(HttpClientResponse response, HttpMethod method, Object? output)
ApiServerUriBuilder = Uri Function(String scheme, String host, int? port, String path, HttpMethod method, Object? input)
FieldConverter<I, O> = O? Function(DataSet? ds, Record rec, I? input)
This function is used for input conversion and output conversion of a field.
FieldValidator<I> = List<String>? Function(DataSet? ds, Record rec, I? input)
This function is used for input conversion and output conversion of a field.
FieldViewer<O> = O? Function(DataSet? ds, Record rec, O? defaultValue)
This function is used for the view of a field.
UriBuilder<I> = Uri Function(String scheme, String host, int? port, String path, I? input, RequestContext context, dynamic serverBuilder(String scheme, String host, int port, String path, I? input)?)
Function to create a DTO for input and output to an API.