match<U> method

U match<U>({
  1. required U err(
    1. E e
  2. required U ok(
    1. T v

Alternative to doing pattern matching with switch expressions. Makes pattern matching simpler to invoke, given match being a class member; however, Result and Option pattern matching snippets (VSCode) can be leveraged to make working with built-in pattern matching (switch and case) a breeze.

While this method can be used as a weaker switch expression replacement, it cannot replace switch statements, which are different and allow to return a value from the "outer" function (on the other hand, a return in ok or err will only return a value from match; the same applies for switch expressions).

Example with match:

bool myFn() {
  final Result<int, String> result = Ok(9);
  final msg = result.match(
    // NB: returned values are assigned to msg
    (number) => 'the lucky number is: $number',
    (failure) => 'failure happened: $failure',
  return true; // myFn returns true

Same example with a switch expression:

bool myFn() {
  final Result<int, String> result = Ok(9);
  final msg = switch (result) {
    // NB: returned values are assigned to msg

    // it would be possible to distinguish between specific
    // patterns directly here, e.g., by uncommenting:
    // Ok(v: 0) => 'special case (0)',

    Ok(v: final number) => 'the lucky number is: $number',
    Err(e: final failure) => 'failure happened: $failure',
  return true; // myFn returns true

Different example with a switch statement (NB: different use case):

bool myFn() {
  final Result<int, String> result = Ok(9);
  switch (result) {
    case Ok():
      return true; // myFn returns true
    case Err():
      return false; // myFn returns false


U match<U>({
  required U Function(E e) err,
  required U Function(T v) ok,
}) =>
    switch (this) {
      Ok(:T v) => ok(v),
      Err(:E e) => err(e),