new_flutter_icons library
- AntDesign
- All Icons under AntDesign
- Entypo
- All Icons under Entypo
- EvilIcons
- All Icons under EvilIcons
- Feather
- All Icons under Feather
- FontAwesome
- All Icons under FontAwesome
- FontAwesome5
- All Icons under FontAwesome5
- FontAwesome5Brands
All Icons under
- FontAwesome5Solid
All Icons under
- FontAwesome6
- All Icons under FontAwesome6
- FontAwesome6Brands
All Icons under
- FontAwesome6Solid
All Icons under
- Fontisto
- All Icons under Fontisto
- Foundation
- All Icons under Foundation
- IconToggle
- A widget that IconToggle. It is used to toggle between two icons. The selectedIconData and unselectedIconData properties are used to set the icons. The activeColor and inactiveColor properties are used to set the colors of the icons. The value property is used to set the initial value of the toggle. The onChanged property is used to set the callback function. The size property is used to set the size of the icons. The transitionBuilder property is used to set the transition builder. The duration property is used to set the duration of the animation. The reverseDuration property is used to set the reverse duration of the animation. The IconToggle widget is a stateful widget.
- Ionicons
- All Icons under Ionicons
- MaterialCommunityIcons
- All Icons under MaterialCommunityIcons
- MaterialIcons
- All Icons under MaterialIcons
- Octicons
- All Icons under Octicons
- SimpleLineIcons
- All Icons under SimpleLineIcons
- WeatherIcons
- all Icons under WeatherIcons
- Zocial
- All Icons under Zocial