Nekos.Best Dart

CI Pub Package

A minimal Dart package for interacting with api.

Getting started

Add the package to your project's pubspec.yaml file. You can use the dart cli

$ dart pub add nekos_best


Import the package in your dart file and use the methods

import 'package:nekos_best/nekos_best.dart' as nb;

var res = nb.fetch('neko');


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetch([String? endpoint])

Fetch results from an optionally specified category. If mentioned, it'll fetch from that category. If not mentioned, it will use a random category. Returns a single response map

Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> fetchMultiple(String endpoint, {int amount = 5})

Fetch multiple results from a specified endpoint. Endpoint is must, the amount is optional. If left unspecified, it defaults to 5. Maximum is 20. If provided value is more than 20, it resets to 20. Returns a list of response map

Examples are in example/fetch.dart file.


A nb response has the following fields. Refer to the officials docs for more info.

// Image response
  url: string,
  artist_href: string,
  artist_name: string,
  source_url: string,
// gif response
  url: string,
  anime_name: string,

You can access the fields like you would for a Map class.

var neko = nb.fetch('neko');
print('Neko url: ${neko["url"]} Neko artist: ${neko["artist_name"]}');


nekos_best_dart © Yakiyo. Authored and maintained by Yakiyo.

Released under MIT License


A minimal package to interact with api