ndef library


decodePartialNdefMessage(TypeNameFormat tnf, Uint8List type, Uint8List payload, {Uint8List? id}) NDEFRecord
Decode a NDEF record, providing its parts separately. This is most useful in mobile environment because the APIs will give you these information in a separate manner.
decodeRawNdefMessage(Uint8List data, {dynamic typeFactory = NDEFRecord.defaultTypeFactory}) List<NDEFRecord>
Decode raw NDEF messages (containing at least one NDEFRecord) from byte array
encodeNdefMessage(List<NDEFRecord> records, {bool canonicalize = true}) Uint8List
Encode an NDEF message (containing several NDEFRecords) to byte array. Set canonicalize to set the MB and ME fields automatically in the first / last record.


TypeFactory = NDEFRecord Function(TypeNameFormat tnf, String classType)
Construct an instance of a specific type (subclass) of NDEFRecord according to tnf and classType