App class

This class is available throughout the app Readily supplies static properties about the App.


App({FlutterExceptionHandler? errorHandler, ErrorWidgetBuilder? errorScreen, ReportErrorHandler? errorReport, bool allowNewHandlers = true})
Supply an error handler to the App.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


dispose() → void
Dispose the App properties.
initInternal() Future<void>
Internal Initialization routines.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAsyncError(AsyncSnapshot<bool> snapshot) → void
App-level error handling if async operation at start up fails
setAppState(AppState<AppStatefulWidgetMVC>? vw) bool
Assign the class with the AppState object.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

appName String?
The Name of the App.
no setter
asSmallScreen bool
Set whether the app is to use a 'small screen' or not. Determine if running on a desktop or on a phone or tablet
no setter
builder TransitionBuilder?
if neither routes, or onGenerateRoute was passed.
getter/setter pair
buildNumber String?
The build number of the App.
no setter
checkerboardOffscreenLayers bool?
Checkerboard layers rendered offscreen bitmaps.
getter/setter pair
checkerboardRasterCacheImages bool?
Checkerboard raster cache to speed up overall rendering.
getter/setter pair
color Color?
Returns the Color passed to the App's View.
getter/setter pair
connectivity String?
Returns the connection status of the device.
no setter
context BuildContext?
The BuildContext for the App's View.
no setter
debugPaintBaselinesEnabled bool?
RenderBox paints a line at its baselines.
getter/setter pair
debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled bool?
Layer paints a box around its bound.
getter/setter pair
debugPaintPointersEnabled bool?
Objects flash while they are being tapped.
getter/setter pair
debugPaintSizeEnabled bool?
Each RenderBox to paint a box around its bounds.
getter/setter pair
debugRepaintRainbowEnabled bool?
Overlay a rotating set of colors when repainting layers in checked mode.
getter/setter pair
debugShowCheckedModeBanner bool?
Shows a little "DEBUG" banner in checked mode.
getter/setter pair
debugShowMaterialGrid bool?
If true, it paints a grid overlay on Material apps.
getter/setter pair
errorHandler AppErrorHandler?
Returns the current Error Handler.
no setter
filesDir String?
The local directory for this App.
no setter
hotReload bool
Flag to set hot reload from now on.
getter/setter pair
inDebugger bool
Determines if running in an IDE or in production.
no setter
initialRoute String?
Returns to the initial route used by the App's View.
getter/setter pair
inSmallScreen bool
Return the bool value indicating if running in a small screen or not.
no setter
installNum String?
The id for this App's particular installation.
no setter
iOSTheme CupertinoThemeData?
The Apps's current Cupertino theme.
getter/setter pair
isInit bool?
Determine if the App initialized successfully.
getter/setter pair
isOnline bool
Indicates if the app has access to the Internet.
no setter
locale Locale?
Returns the App's current locale.
getter/setter pair
localeResolutionCallback LocaleResolutionCallback?
Resolves the App's locale.
getter/setter pair
localizationsDelegates Iterable<LocalizationsDelegate>?
Returns the App's current localizations delegates.
getter/setter pair
mainWindow SingletonFlutterWindow
Flutter application's main window.
no setter
Return the navigator key used by the App's View.
getter/setter pair
The list of observers for the Navigator for this app.
getter/setter pair
onGenerateRoute RouteFactory?
The route generator used when the app is navigated to a named route.
getter/setter pair
onGenerateTitle GenerateAppTitle?
Routine used to generate the App's title.
getter/setter pair
onUnknownRoute RouteFactory?
Called when onGenerateRoute fails except for the initialRoute.
getter/setter pair
packageName String?
The 'Package Name' of the App.
no setter
platform TargetPlatform?
The running platform
no setter
routes Map<String, WidgetBuilder>?
Returns the routes used by the App's View.
getter/setter pair
scaffold ScaffoldState
The Scaffold object for this App's View.
no setter
scaffoldMessengerKey GlobalKey<ScaffoldMessengerState>?
Return the navigator key used by the App's View.
getter/setter pair
screenHeight double
The Logical height of the screen
no setter
screenPhysicalHeight double
The Physical height of the screen
no setter
screenPhysicalWidth double
The Physical width of the screen
no setter
screenSize Size
Current Screen Size
no setter
screenWidth double
The logical width of the screen
no setter
showPerformanceOverlay bool?
If true, it turns on a performance overlay.
getter/setter pair
showSemanticsDebugger bool?
Shows an overlay of accessibility information
getter/setter pair
supportedLocales List<Locale>?
getter, supportedLocales, returns a List of the App's locales. More flexible than an iteration.
getter/setter pair
themeData ThemeData?
The App's current Material theme.
getter/setter pair
title String?
Returns the title for the App's View.
getter/setter pair
useCupertino bool
Indicates if the App is running the Cupertino interface theme.
no setter
useMaterial bool
Indicates if the App is running the Material interface theme.
no setter
version String?
The current version of the App.
no setter
vw AppState<AppStatefulWidgetMVC>?
The App State object.
no setter
widgetsAppKey GlobalKey<State<StatefulWidget>>
Passed to the CupertinoApp or MaterialApp

Static Methods

addConnectivityListener(ConnectivityListener? listener) bool
Add a Connectivity listener.
buildInherited() → void
Rebuild the InheritedWidget of the 'closes' InheritedStateMVC object if any.
catchError(Object ex) → void
Catch and explicitly handle the error.
changeUI(String ui) → void
Explicitly change to a particular interface.
clearConnectivityListener() → void
Clear Connectivity listeners.
getDeviceInfo() Future<void>
Collect the device's information.
getInstallNum() Future<String?>
The id for this App's particular installation.
onError(FlutterErrorDetails details) → void
App-level error handling.
refresh() → void
Refresh the root State object.
removeConnectivityListener(ConnectivityListener? listener) bool
Remove a Connectivity listener.
setState(VoidCallback fn) → void
Refresh the root State object with the passed function.
setThemeData([ColorSwatch<int?>? value]) ColorSwatch<int?>?
Set the App's general color theme supplying a ColorSwatch value.
snackBar({Key? key, required Widget content, Color? backgroundColor, double? elevation, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, double? width, ShapeBorder? shape, SnackBarBehavior? behavior, SnackBarAction? action, Duration? duration, Animation<double>? animation, VoidCallback? onVisible, DismissDirection dismissDirection = DismissDirection.down}) → void
Display the SnackBar