
Mustang is an opinionated framework to build Flutter applications. It comes with the following features out of the box.

  • State Management
  • Persistence
  • Cache
  • Event management
  • Aspects

Mustang expects project files to follow pre-defined conventions. open_mustang_cli assists in creating files as per those conventions.


Framework Components

  • Model - Models define data needed for a view.

  • Screen - Screen is a Flutter widget. Screens can be embedded in other screens.

  • State - State allows access to the specified models for the associated screen.

  • Service - Data fetching operations and business logic specific to the associated screen are defined in a Service.

Component Communication

  • Every Screen is associated with a Service and a State.

Following steps outline the lifecycle of a Screen

  1. Screen reads State while building the UI
  2. Screen invokes methods in the Service as a response to user events (scroll, tap etc.)
  3. Service
    • reads/updates Models. Models are saved in memory and managed by MustangStore
    • makes API calls, when needed
    • informs State when Models are modified
  4. State informs Screen to rebuild the UI
  5. Back to Step 1


  • An abstract class annotated with appModel

  • Model name starts with $

  • Fields are initialized with InitField annotation

  • Methods/Getters/Setters are NOT supported inside Model classes

    abstract class $User {
      late String name;
      late int age;
      late bool admin; 
      @WireNameField('postalCode')  // While de-serializing, map postalCode to zip
      late int zip;
      @InitField(['user', 'default'])
      late BuiltList<String> roles;
      late $Address address;  // Model can be a field in other models
      late BuiltList<$Vehicle> vehicles;  // Use only immutable versions of List/Map as fields
      @InitField('')          // field can have multiple annotations
      @SerializeField(false)  // errorMsg field will not be included when $User model is persisted
      late String errorMsg; 


  • An abstract class annotated with screenState

  • State name starts with $

  • Only Models are allowed as fields

    abstract class $ExampleScreenState {
      late $User user; // Model
      late $Vehicle vehicle; // Model


  • An abstract class annotated with ScreenService

  • Service name starts with $

    abstract class $ExampleScreenService {
      void getUser() {
        User user = MustangStore.get<User>() ?? User();
  • Every Service has access to the following APIs

    • updateState - Updates models and triggers screen rebuild. To update the models without re-building the screen, set reload argument to false.

      • updateState()
      • updateState1(T model1, { reload: false }) - only updates the state; screen will not be re-built
      • updateState2(T model1, S model2, { reload: true })
      • updateState3(T model1, S model2, U model3, { reload: true })
      • updateState4(T model1, S model2, U mode3, V model4, { reload: true })
    • memoizeScreen - Invokes any method passed as argument only once.

      • T memoizeScreen<T>(T Function() methodName)
        // In the snippet below, getScreenData method caches the response of getData method, a Future.
        // Even when getData method is called multiple times, method execution happens only once and uses the
        // already fetched response.
        Future<void> getData() async {
          // ...   
        Future<void> getScreenData() async {
          return memoize(getData);
    • clearMemoizedScreen - Clears the data cached by memoizeScreen method.

      • void clearMemoizedScreen()
        Future<void> getData() async {
          // ...
        Future<void> getScreenData() async {
          return memoizeScreen(getData);
        void resetScreen() {
          clearMemoizedScreen(); // clears Future<void> cached by memoizeScreen()


  • MustangScreen widget should be the top-level widget for every Screen

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return MustangScreen<CounterState>(
        state: CounterState(context: context),
        builder: (BuildContext context, CounterState state) {
          // access counter model from the state
          int counter = state.counter.value;
          return Center(
            child: Column(
              children: [
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                  child: Text('$counter'),
                // ...


By default, Models are saved only in the memory. When the app is terminated, models are lost permanently. In most cases, it is desirable to persist and restore these Models across app restarts.

Following code snippet enables persistence for the app.

// In main.dart, before calling runApp method,

// enable persistence like below
Directory dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
await MustangStore.configPersistence(UnifiedConstants.persistentStoreName, dir.path);

Following code restores the saved state of the app

// Restore persisted state before the app starts
await MustangStore.restoreState(app_serializer.json2Type, app_serializer.serializerNames);


Cache allows switching between instances of the same type on need basis.

Persistence creates snapshots of the models in the memory, to the disk. However, there are times when data need to be saved for later use and does not need to loaded into memory unless needed. An example would be a technician working on multiple jobs at the same time i.e, technician switches between jobs. Since the MustangStore allows only one instance of a type, there cannot be two instances of Job object in the memory.

Every Service instance has the following Cache related APIs

  • Save an instance of type T in the cache. key is an identifier for the cached object

    Future<void> addObjectToCache<T>(String key, T t)
  • Delete all cached objects having the identifier key

    Future<void> deleteObjectsFromCache(String key)
  • Restores all objects in the cache identified by the key into memory and also into the persisted store so that the in-memory and the persisted data remain consistent

    static Future<void> restoreObjects(
        String key,
        void Function(
            void Function<T>(T t) update,
            String modelName,
            String jsonStr,
        ) callback,
  • Returns true if an identifier key exists in the Cache, false otherwise.

    bool itemExistsInCache(String key)


There are use cases where application has to react to various events. Following are the examples of such events:

  • Internet connectivity events
  • Data update events from the server
  • Push notifications

Subscribe to an event

Mustang allows the app to subscribe to such events. When subscribed, Service of the currently visible Screen receives event notifications. Service then triggers the Screen rebuild. It is important to keep in mind that every event is an instance of Model. And, to use a model as an event, it needs to be annotated with @appEvent. Following is an example of creating of a model event inside models folder

abstract class $TimerEvent {
  late int value;

For events to work, register MustangRouteObserver in the app

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      // ...
      navigatorObservers: [
        MustangRouteObserver.getInstance(), // this is needed for Events to work

Publish an event

Following snippet is an example of app publishing an event generated by an external service

connectivity_plus.Connectivity().onConnectivityChanged.listen((var connectivityResult) {
    MustangAppConfig mustangAppConfig = _connectivityStatus(connectivityResult);

Visible screen of the app automatically rebuilds itself after consuming the event. It is upto the screen to show appropriate UI based on the received event.


Aspects are hooks defined on a method. Hooks change the execution flow based on the type of hook defined. Mustang supports three kinds of aspects.

In Mustang, Aspect is

  • an abstract class annotated with @aspect
  • Class name should start with $
  • created inside aspects directory

Before Aspect

Method annotated with @Before executes the method passed as argument before running the actual method

abstract class $BeforeAspectExample {
  Future<void> run(Map<String, dynamic> args) async { // runs before requestCode
    // ...

Annotate method with @Before

@Before([r'$BeforeAspectExample'], args: {'one': 1, 'two': 2.2})
Future<void> requestCode() async {
  // ...

After Aspect

Method annotated with @After executes the annotated method first followed by the method passed as argument

abstract class $AfterAspectExample {
  Future<void> run(Map<String, dynamic> args) async { // runs after requestCode
    // ...

Annotated a method with @After

@After([r'$AfterAspectExample'], args: {'one': 1, 'two': 2.2})
Future<void> requestCode() async {
  // ...

Around Aspect

Method annotated with @Around passes itself as argument to the method passed as argument

abstract class $AroundAspectExample {
  Future<void> run(Map<String, dynamic> args, Function sourceMethod) async {
    // before requestCode()
    // ...
    await sourceMethod(); // runs requestCode()
    // after requestCode()
    // ...

Annotated a method with @Around

  @Around(r'$AroundAspectExample', args: {'service': 'DemoScreenService'})
  Future<void> requestCode() async {
    // ...

Project Structure

  • Project structure of a Flutter application created with Mustang framework looks as below
        - main.dart
        - src
          - models/
            - model1.dart
            - model2.dart
          - screens/
            - first/
              - ext/
                - first_extension_service.dart
                - second_extension_service.dart
              - widgets/
                - first_widget.dart
                - second_widget.dart
              - first_screen.dart
              - first_state.dart
              - first_service.dart
            - second/
              - ext/
                - first_extension_service.dart
                - second_extension_service.dart
              - widgets/
                - first_widget.dart
                - second_widget.dart
              - second_screen.dart
              - second_state.dart
              - second_service.dart
  • Every Screen needs a State and a Service. So, Screen, State, Service files are grouped inside a directory
  • The Screen and Service can be broken down into smaller components called Widget and Extension respectively. The widgets for a given screen are grouped together in the <screen>/widgets subdirectory. Whereas the extensions are grouped together inside <screen>/ext directory
  • All Model classes must be inside models directory

Guidelines for service extensions and screen widgets


In general, when breaking a screen down into smaller widgets ensure that the state is accessed directly. Consider the example below

class Locations extends StatelessWidget {
  const Locations({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // GOOD
    // screen_one/screen_one_state.state.dart
    ScreenOneState state = StateConsumer<ScreenOneState>().of(context)!;
    List<Location> locations = state.manageCustomer.locations.toList();

    return ListView.builder(
      shrinkWrap: true,
      physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
      itemCount: locations.length,
      itemBuilder: (_, int index) {
        return LocationCard(
          location: locations.elementAt(index),

In the above example we are accessing the state in the build method of the widget. This is the recommended approach as opposed to passing it as an argument from the parent like shown below

class Locations extends StatelessWidget {
  const Locations({Key? key,
    required this.state,
  }) : super(key: key);

  // BAD
  // screen_one/screen_one_state.state.dart
  final ScreenOneState state;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    List<Location> locations = state.manageCustomer.locations.toList();

    return ListView.builder(
      shrinkWrap: true,
      physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
      itemCount: locations.length,
      itemBuilder: (_, int index) {
        return LocationCard(
          location: locations.elementAt(index),


Extensions allow you to break the Service into more manageable components. This can be achieved using mixin as shown below

  • create an extension

    // screen_one/ext/input_handler_service.dart
    mixin $InputHandlerService {
      void helloWorld() {
        print('hello world');
  • bind the extension with the service

    // screen_one/screen_one_service.dart
    abstract class $ScreenOneService with $InputHandlerService {}
  • Run the builder

      omcli -b
  • Access the method in the extension like a normal service method


Quick Start

  • Install Flutter

      mkdir -p ~/lib && cd ~/lib
      git clone -b stable
      # Add PATH in ~/.zshrc 
      export PATH=$PATH:~/lib/flutter/bin
      export PATH=$PATH:~/.pub-cache/bin
  • Install Mustang CLI

      dart pub global activate open_mustang_cli
  • Create Flutter project

      cd /tmp
      flutter create quick_start
      cd quick_start
      # Open the project in editor of your choice
      # vscode - code .
      # IntelliJ - idea .
  • Update pubspec.yaml

      # ...
        # ...
        built_collection: ^5.1.1
        built_value: ^8.6.0
        mustang_core: ^3.0.0
        mustang_widgets: ^3.0.0
        path_provider: ^2.0.6
        # ...
        build_runner: ^2.4.4
        mustang_codegen: ^3.0.0    
  • Install dependencies

      flutter pub get
  • Generate files for a screen called counter. Following command creates file representing a Model, and also files representing Screen, Service and State.

      omcli -s counter
  • Generate runtime files and watch for changes.

      omcli -w # omcli -b generates runtime files once
  • Update the generated counter.dart model

      abstract class $Counter {
        late int value;
  • Update counter_screen.dart screen

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:hello_mustang/src/screens/counter/widgets/greeting.dart';
    import 'package:mustang_widgets/mustang_widgets.dart';
    import 'counter_service.service.dart';
    import 'counter_state.state.dart';
    class CounterScreen extends StatelessWidget {
        const CounterScreen({
          Key? key,
        }) : super(key: key);
        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
          return MustangScreen<CounterState>(
            state: CounterState(context: context),
            builder: (BuildContext context, CounterState state) {
              int counter = state.counter.value;
              return Scaffold(
                appBar: AppBar(
                  title: const Text('Hello Mustang'),
                body: Center(
                  child: Column(
                    children: [
                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                        child: Text('$counter'),
                        onPressed: CounterService().increment,
                        child: const Text('Increment'),
  • Update counter_service.dart service

      import 'package:mustang_core/mustang_core.dart';
      import 'package:quick_start/src/models/counter.model.dart';
      import 'counter_service.service.dart';
      abstract class CounterService {
        void increment() {
          Counter counter = MustangStore.get<Counter>() ?? Counter();
          counter = counter.rebuild((b) => b.value = (b.value ?? 0) + 1);
  • Update main.dart

      // ...
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          title: 'Flutter Demo',
          theme: ThemeData(
          home: CounterScreen(), // Point to Counter screen

