moye library


This stateless widget will allow the developers to develop for multiple screen sizes. You can create breakpoints, the points in which the auto-layout should use that widget when the screen size is within those thresholds
A helper for AutoLayout to make it easier develop for different screen sizes.
Shows the child on top of the blurred version of the image provider provided Useful to make the background of a widget blurry.
Default bottom sheet handle provided to make it easier in showing a handle for the bottom sheet
Utilities to show bottom sheets effortlessly
The default bottom sheet config. It doesn't wrap the content, neither does it make them scrollable.
Applies a fade to a widget, defaults to bottom fade can specify other parameters to create top, left and right, and other specific fades Good for when trying to make the scrollable content fade out at the bottom of your screen or list view
Adds an outer glow to the given widget This is a similar glow that changing the elevation of a widget provides you, however, you can customize the outer glow by color, blurRadius, and spreadRadius
An interface to make it easier to implement auto layout capabilities
a progress bar that can have gradient colors and box shadows with animation when value changes
Shows a glow on top of a given widget
A bottom sheet config that has a scrollable content inside of it The builder provides a ScrollController that can be used to be attached to the content of the bottom sheet for better scrolling behaviour
A bottom sheet config that wraps its content based on tall the content is


A button that shows circular progress bar or a custom widget when pressed until the future task is complete. Useful to make show a feedback to the user when they press a button and debounce any incoming press events while the task is in progress.


ArrayExtension on List<num>
AutoLayoutExtension on IAutoLayout
an extension to make it easier to build an AutoLayout from IAutoLayout interface
BackBlurImageExtension on Widget
Extensions to make introducing back blur easier by just calling it on any widget
ContainerGlowExtension on Widget?
FadeContainerExtension on Widget
MoyeAlignWidgetExtension on Widget
Extensions about aligning widgets on screen
MoyeContextExtension on BuildContext
An extension for a context
MoyeDateTimeExtension on DateTime
MoyeFitWidgetExtension on Widget
Extension about fitting widgets
MoyeNumberExtension on num
extension of the num to contain more useful helper methods and getters
MoyeStringExtensions on String
MoyeTextStyleExtension on TextStyle?
Extension for text styles to make everything easier
MoyeTimeOfDayExtension on TimeOfDay
MoyeWidgetExtension on Widget
NullSafetyExtension on T
Extensions to make null safety easier to deal with
OverlayGlowExtension on Widget


empty → const SizedBox
constant widgets
emptySliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
months → const Map<int, String>
s12 → const double
s12HeightBox → const SizedBox
s12HeightBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s12HorizontalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s12Padding → const EdgeInsets
s12Vertical24Horizontal → const EdgeInsets
s12VerticalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s12WidthBox → const SizedBox
s12WidthBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s16 → const double
s16HeightBox → const SizedBox
s16HeightBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s16HorizontalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s16Padding → const EdgeInsets
s16VerticalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s16WidthBox → const SizedBox
s16WidthBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s24 → const double
s24HeightBox → const SizedBox
s24HeightBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s24HorizontalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s24Padding → const EdgeInsets
s24VerticalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s24WidthBox → const SizedBox
s24WidthBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s32 → const double
s32HeightBox → const SizedBox
s32HeightBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s32HorizontalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s32Padding → const EdgeInsets
s32VerticalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s32WidthBox → const SizedBox
s32WidthBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s4 → const double
s40 → const double
s48 → const double
s4HeightBox → const SizedBox
height boxes
s4HeightBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
height boxes
s4HorizontalPadding → const EdgeInsets
horizontal padding constants
s4Padding → const EdgeInsets
all insets padding constants
s4Vertical8Horizontal → const EdgeInsets
symmetric padding constants
s4VerticalPadding → const EdgeInsets
vertical padding constants
s4WidthBox → const SizedBox
width boxes
s4WidthBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
width boxes
s8 → const double
s8HeightBox → const SizedBox
s8HeightBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
s8HorizontalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s8Padding → const EdgeInsets
s8Vertical16Horizontal → const EdgeInsets
s8Vertical24Horizontal → const EdgeInsets
s8VerticalPadding → const EdgeInsets
s8WidthBox → const SizedBox
s8WidthBoxSliver → const SliverToBoxAdapter
weekdays → const Map<int, String>


AlsoInvokableFunction<T> = dynamic Function(T it)
BottomSheetChildBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ScrollController? controller)
controller is only present if using the ScrollableBottomSheetType
LetInvokableFunction<R, T> = R Function(T it)