this package provide you with good ruler picker!
Experience the Ruler Picker smoothly gliding through a swift swipe motion, coming to a natural halt!
Customize the movement of the Ruler Picker by setting acceleration and resistance to achieve your desired behavior.
Getting started
flutter pub add moon_ruler_picker
width: 300,
height: 200,
resistance: 1,
acceleration: 1,
linesType: MoonRulerLinesType.lineWithLabel,
callbackDouble: (data) {
setState(() {
_doubleData = data;
callbackInt: (data) {
setState(() {
_intData = data;
selectedNumber: _doubleData,
borderWidth: 2,
pickedBarColor: const Color(0XFF0180BE),
barColor: const Color(0XFF0180BE).withOpacity(0.3)