discover static method

Future<String?> discover(
  1. String startIpAddress, {
  2. int serverPort = 502,
  3. Duration connectionTimeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 10),

This is an easy server address discovery.

The discovery starts from the fourth digit of the startIpAddress and only checks address of fourth digit. Example:

// This checks addresses from '' to ''
var serverAddress = await"");


static Future<String?> discover(String startIpAddress,
    {int serverPort = 502,
    Duration connectionTimeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 10)}) async {
  var serverAddress = InternetAddress.tryParse(startIpAddress);
  if (serverAddress == null) {
    throw ModbusException(
        context: "",
        msg: "[$startIpAddress] Invalid address!");
  for (var i = serverAddress.rawAddress[3]; i < 256; i++) {
    var ip = serverAddress!.rawAddress;
    ip[3] = i;
    serverAddress = InternetAddress.fromRawAddress(ip);
    try {
      var socket = await Socket.connect(serverAddress, serverPort,
          timeout: connectionTimeout);
          "[${serverAddress.address}] Modbus server found!");
      return serverAddress.address;
    } catch (_) {}
  ModbusAppLogger.finest("[$startIpAddress] Modbus server not found!");
  return null;