mockRange<E> function

List<E> mockRange<E>(
  1. Function mockFunction,
  2. int numberOfMocks, {
  3. int lengthOfMockedString = 16,
  4. String include = '!',
  5. int min = 1,
  6. int max = 10,
  7. String format = '*.*.*.*',
  8. String gender = 'any',
  9. String returnModel = 'rgb',
  10. String scheme = '*',
  11. bool withPath = false,
  12. dynamic withQuery = false,
  13. dynamic withFragment = false,
  14. DateTime? firstMoment,
  15. DateTime? secondMoment,
  16. String uuidType = 'ver4',
  17. double centerLat = 55.7520,
  18. double centerLon = 37.6175,
  19. int radius = 1000,

Generic function to generate list of mocks.

mockFunction represents a function from mock_data library. It is passed as first class object (without invocation).

numberOfMocks represents number of invocations of mockFunction.

mockRange can also accept all parameters of mockFunctions as optional named parameters. Default values for optional parameters is same as for mock_data functions.

Returns List<E>.

Example usage:

  // returns list of length 15 containing
  // random IPs.
  mockRange(mockIPv4, 15)

  // returns list of length 5 containing
  // random IPs with starting groups as
  // 192.168. and last 2 groups random int
  // in range 0 to 255, inclusive.
  mockRange(mockIPv4, 5, format:192.168.*.*)

  // similar to IPv4.
  mockRange(mockIPv6, 5, format:192.168.*.*)

  // returns list of length 5 containing
  // random integers ranging from -15
  // to 20, inclusive.
  mockRange(mockInteger, 3, min: -15, max:20)

  // returns list of length 5 containing
  // random strings of length 16 which are
  // consisted of any combination of digits,
  // lowercase and uppercase characters.
  mockRange(mockString, 5)

  // returns list of length 15 containing
  // random males and females first names.
  mockRange(mockName, 15)

  // returns list of length 7 containing
  // random colors represented in hex format.
  mockRange(mockColor, 7, returnModel: 'hex')

  // returns list of length 4 containing
  // random URLs with query string and permalink.
  mockRange(mockUrl, 4, withQuery: true, withFragment: true)

  // returns list of length 5 containing
  // random DateTime objects in between 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000 and
  // current time(now).
  mockRange(mockDate, 5, secondMoment: DateTime(2000))

  // returns list of length 3 containing
  // timestamp-first UUIDs.
  mockRange(mockUUID, 3, uuidType: 'timestamp-first')

  // returns list containing random locations in 1km radius from Moscow Kremlin.
  mockRange(mockLocation, 55.7520, 37.6175, 1000)


List<E> mockRange<E>(Function mockFunction, int numberOfMocks,
    {int lengthOfMockedString = 16,
    String include = '!',
    int min = 1,
    int max = 10,
    String format = '*.*.*.*',
    String gender = 'any',
    String returnModel = 'rgb',
    String scheme = '*',
    bool withPath = false,
    withQuery = false,
    withFragment = false,
    DateTime? firstMoment,
    DateTime? secondMoment,
    String uuidType = 'ver4',
    double centerLat = 55.7520,
    double centerLon = 37.6175,
    int radius = 1000}) {
  // Get name of passed function.
  var f = RegExp(r"'(.+)'").firstMatch(mockFunction.toString())?.group(1);

  // Call proper function with passed arguments.
  switch (f) {
    case 'mockString':
      return List<E>.generate(
          numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(lengthOfMockedString, include));
    case 'mockInteger':
      return List<E>.generate(numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(min, max));
    case 'mockIPv4':
      return List<E>.generate(numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(format));
    case 'mockIPv6':
      return List<E>.generate(numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(format));
    case 'mockName':
      return List<E>.generate(numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(gender));
    case 'mockColor':
      return List<E>.generate(numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(returnModel));
    case 'mockUrl':
      return List<E>.generate(numberOfMocks,
          (_) => mockFunction(scheme, withPath, withQuery, withFragment));
    case 'mockDate':
      return List<E>.generate(
          numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(firstMoment, secondMoment));
    case 'mockUUID':
      return List<E>.generate(numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(uuidType));
    case 'mockLocation':
      return List<E>.generate(
          numberOfMocks, (_) => mockFunction(centerLat, centerLon, radius));
      return <E>[]; // Empty List if function is not from mock_data lib.