mockColor function

String mockColor(
  1. [String returnModel = 'rgb']

Generate random color from a given model.

model expects a value of 'rgb', 'hex', 'hsv', 'hsb', 'hsl' or 'cmyk' where each value represents respective color space. Hex format starts with leading hash tag sign(#).

Defaults to 'rgb'.

Example usage:

  mockColor('rgb') // returns 'rgb(r, g, b)' where r, g and b are random
                   // integers between 0 and 255, inclusive.

  mockColor('hex') // returns '#XXXXXX' where each pair represents
                   // r, g, b expressed in hex format.

  mockColor('hsv') // hsv and hsb are same.
                   // returns 'hsv(h,s,v)' where h represents hue ranges
                   // 0-360 degrees, s for saturation ranges from 0-100% and
                   // v/b for value/brightness ranges from 0-100%

  mockColor('hsl') // returns 'hsl(h,s,l)' where h and s are same as above and
                   // l for lightness or luminosity ranges from 0-100%

  mockColor('cmyk')// returns 'cmyk(c,m,y,k)'
                   // c for Cyan, c for Magenta, y for Yellow and k for blacK
                   // each ranges from 0 to 1.
  mockColor() == mockColor('rgb')


String mockColor([String returnModel = 'rgb']) {
  switch (returnModel) {
    case 'hex':
      return '#${List<String>.generate(3, (_) => random.nextInt(255 + 1).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')).toList().join().toUpperCase()}';
    case 'rgb':
      return 'rgb(${List<int>.generate(3, (_) => random.nextInt(255 + 1)).join(', ')})';
    case 'hsv':
    case 'hsb':
    case 'hsl':
      var hs = <String>[random.nextInt(360 + 1).toString()];
      hs.add('${random.nextInt(100 + 1).toString()}%');
      hs.add('${random.nextInt(100 + 1).toString()}%');
      return '$returnModel(${hs.join(', ')})';
    case 'cmyk':
      return 'cmyk(${List<String>.generate(4, (_) => '${random.nextInt(100 + 1).toString()}%').join(', ')})';
      throw ArgumentError('Invalid color model');