mobility_features library


A GeoLocation object contains a latitude and longitude and represents a 2D spatial coordinates
A LocationSample holds a 2D GeoLocation spatial data point as well as a DateTime value s.t. it may be temporally ordered
Daily mobility context.
Main entry for configuring and listening for mobility features. Used as a singleton MobilityFactory().
A Move is a transfer from one Stop to another. A set of features can be derived from this such as the haversine distance between the stops, the duration of the move, and thereby also the average travel speed.
A Place is a cluster of Stops found by the DBSCAN algorithm
A Stop represents a cluster of LocationSample which were 'close' to eachother wrt. to Time and 2D space, in a period of little- to no movement. A Stop has an assigned placeId which links it to a Place. At initialization a stop will be assigned to the 'Noise' place (with id -1), and only after all places have been identified will a Place be assigned.


HOURS_IN_A_DAY → const int


argmaxDouble(List<double> list) int
argmaxInt(List<int> list) int
printMatrix(List<List> m) → void
range(int low, int high) Iterable<int>
zeroMatrix(int rows, int cols) List<List<double>>
zip<T>(Iterable<Iterable<T>> iterables) Iterable<List<T>>
Returns an Iterable of Lists where the nth element in the returned iterable contains the nth element from every Iterable in iterables. The returned Iterable is as long as the shortest Iterable in the argument. If iterables is empty, it returns an empty list.