mini_ui library


MiniInputField is using the default theme of the package you can customize it.
MiniText is a single text widget with many constructors


hlSpaceL → const Widget
hlSpaceM → const Widget
hlSpaceS → const Widget
hlSpaceXL → const Widget
hlSpaceXS → const Widget
Horizontal spaces using SizedBox widgets
hlSpaceXXL → const Widget
minBody1Style → const TextStyle
Body one TextStyle
minBody2Style → const TextStyle
Body two TextStyle
minHeading1Style → const TextStyle
Heading one TextStyle
minHeading2Style → const TextStyle
Heading 2 TextStyle
miniBackgroundColor → const Color
miniPrimaryDark → const Color
Theme colors which can be overrided by the users
miniPrimaryLight → const Color
miniSecondaryDark → const Color
miniSecondaryLight → const Color
miniTertiaryDark → const Color
miniTertiaryLight → const Color
miniTransparent → const Color
minLabelStyle → const TextStyle
Label TextStyle
minSubheadingStyle → const TextStyle
SubHeading TextStyle
vlSpaceL → const Widget
vlSpaceM → const Widget
vlSpaceS → const Widget
vlSpaceXL → const Widget
vlSpaceXS → const Widget
Vertical spaces using SizedBox widgets
vlSpaceXXL → const Widget


screenHeight(BuildContext context) double
Returns a screen height by using context
screenHeightPercentage(BuildContext context, {double percentage = 1}) double
Returns a screen height in percentages
screenWidth(BuildContext context) double
Returns a screen width by using context
screenWidthPercentage(BuildContext context, {double percentage = 1}) double
Returns a screen width in percentages