miladtech_shopping_Cart 🛒
A flutter package for make your life easy. This package is used for maintaining a cart. This package helps you perform basic cart operations like (Add, Remove, Get total count, delete cart, & manage single and multi-vendor).
Android | iOS | |
Support | SDK 21+ | 10.0+ |
It is recommended to use any State Management. i.e:- Provider
miladtech_shopping_cart Usage
To use the plugin you just need to add miladtech_shopping_cart: ^1.0.0+1 into your pubspec.yaml file and run pub get.
Add following into your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):
miladtech_shopping_cart: ^1.0.0+1
Getting started
- first init flutter shopping cart package in main method of your project.
await ShoppingCart().init();
- first create an instance of flutter shopping cart package.
var shoppingCart = ShoppingCart();
- After getting the instance, we are able to get the built-in methods
- Add Items into cart
shoppingCart.addToCart( {required int productId, required int vendorId, required double unitPrice, required String itemImage, String? productName, String? cartName = 'main', int quantity = 1, List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList = const [], dynamic productDetailsObject})
- Remove item one by one from cart âž–
shoppingCart.decrementItemFromCart( {required int productId, required int vendorId, String? cartName = "main", List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList = const []})
- Add item one by one to cart âž•
shoppingCart.addToCart( {required int productId, required int vendorId, required double unitPrice, required String itemImage, String? productName, String? cartName = 'main', int quantity = 1, List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList = const [], dynamic productDetailsObject})
- Get the total amount
- Get the total amount with tax
- Get the total quantity
shoppingCart.getCartItemCount({bool isQuantityCount = false})
- Get Specific Item from Cart
shoppingCart.getSpecificItemFromCart({ required int productId, required List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList, int? vendorId, })
- Get Specific Item index from Cart ``` shoppingCart.findItemIndexFromCart(cartId) ``` - Remove Specific Item from Cart ``` shoppingCart.deleteSelectedCartItem(int cartItemId, String cartName) ``` - Clean all Cart item ``` shoppingCart.deleteAllCart() ```
- Add Items into cart
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
To report your issues, submit them directly in the Issues section.
- miladtech_shopping_cart
- This is main entering dart file to access flutter shopping cart