Metro Buttons

This package includes 2 types of buttons (CommandButton and ShortcutButton) inspired by Metro UI.


Include metro_button in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  metro_button: version


To use this package, just import it into your file and enjoy it.

import 'package:metro_button/metro_button.dart';


CommandButton(title: Text('Title'), tap: (){},)
ShortcutButton(title: Text('Title'), tap: (){}, Icon(Icons.home))



This widget allow to generate a button with an icon


Name Description Required Default
title Widget to put as button title True
subtitle Widget to put as button subtitle False
icon Widget to put as button icon False
tooltip String to use as a help tooltip False
disabled Boolean value to disabled button False False
reverse Boolean value to indicate when icon is used as leading or trailing False False
width Double value to indicate button width False
height Double value to indicate button height False
elevation Double value to indicate button elevation False 0
radius Double value to indicate button corner radius False 5.0
backgroundColor Color to indicate button background color False
borderColor Color to indicate button border color False
onTap Function to handle button on tap True
onLongTap Function to handle button on long tap false


This widget allow to generate a square button with an icon and badge


Name Description Required Default
title Widget to put as button title True
badge Widget to put button badge False
icon Widget to put as button icon False
tooltip String to use as a help tooltip False
disabled Boolean value to disabled button False False
size Double value to indicate button width and height False
elevation Double value to indicate button elevation False 0
radius Double value to indicate button corner radius False 5.0
backgroundColor Color to indicate button background color False
borderColor Color to indicate button border color False
onTap Function to handle button on tap True
onLongTap Function to handle button on long tap false

