FillExtrusionLayer class
An extruded (3D) polygon.
FillExtrusionLayer({required String id, Visibility? visibility, List<
Object> ? visibilityExpression, List<Object> ? filter, double? minZoom, double? maxZoom, String? slot, required String sourceId, String? sourceLayer, double? fillExtrusionEdgeRadius, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionEdgeRadiusExpression, double? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundAttenuation, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundAttenuationExpression, double? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadius, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadiusExpression, double? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionIntensity, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionIntensityExpression, double? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionRadius, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionRadiusExpression, double? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionWallRadius, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionWallRadiusExpression, double? fillExtrusionBase, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionBaseExpression, int? fillExtrusionColor, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionColorExpression, double? fillExtrusionCutoffFadeRange, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionCutoffFadeRangeExpression, double? fillExtrusionEmissiveStrength, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionEmissiveStrengthExpression, int? fillExtrusionFloodLightColor, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionFloodLightColorExpression, double? fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundAttenuation, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundAttenuationExpression, double? fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundRadius, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundRadiusExpression, double? fillExtrusionFloodLightIntensity, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionFloodLightIntensityExpression, double? fillExtrusionFloodLightWallRadius, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionFloodLightWallRadiusExpression, double? fillExtrusionHeight, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionHeightExpression, double? fillExtrusionOpacity, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionOpacityExpression, String? fillExtrusionPattern, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionPatternExpression, bool? fillExtrusionRoundedRoof, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionRoundedRoofExpression, List<double?> ? fillExtrusionTranslate, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionTranslateExpression, FillExtrusionTranslateAnchor? fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionTranslateAnchorExpression, bool? fillExtrusionVerticalGradient, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionVerticalGradientExpression, double? fillExtrusionVerticalScale, List<Object> ? fillExtrusionVerticalScaleExpression})
- fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundAttenuation ↔ double?
Provides a control to futher fine-tune the look of the ambient occlusion on the ground beneath the extruded buildings. Lower values give the effect a more solid look while higher values make it smoother.
Default value: 0.69. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Provides a control to futher fine-tune the look of the ambient occlusion on the ground beneath the extruded buildings. Lower values give the effect a more solid look while higher values make it smoother.
Default value: 0.69. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadius ↔ double?
The extent of the ambient occlusion effect on the ground beneath the extruded buildings in meters.
Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The extent of the ambient occlusion effect on the ground beneath the extruded buildings in meters.
Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionIntensity ↔ double?
Controls the intensity of shading near ground and concave angles between walls. Default value 0.0 disables ambient occlusion and values around 0.3 provide the most plausible results for buildings.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Controls the intensity of shading near ground and concave angles between walls. Default value 0.0 disables ambient occlusion and values around 0.3 provide the most plausible results for buildings.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionRadius ↔ double?
Shades area near ground and concave angles between walls where the radius defines only vertical impact. Default value 3.0 corresponds to height of one floor and brings the most plausible results for buildings. This property works only with legacy light. When 3D lights are enabled
are used instead. Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Shades area near ground and concave angles between walls where the radius defines only vertical impact. Default value 3.0 corresponds to height of one floor and brings the most plausible results for buildings. This property works only with legacy light. When 3D lights are enabled
are used instead. Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionWallRadius ↔ double?
Shades area near ground and concave angles between walls where the radius defines only vertical impact. Default value 3.0 corresponds to height of one floor and brings the most plausible results for buildings.
Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Shades area near ground and concave angles between walls where the radius defines only vertical impact. Default value 3.0 corresponds to height of one floor and brings the most plausible results for buildings.
Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionBase ↔ double?
The height with which to extrude the base of this layer. Must be less than or equal to
. Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The height with which to extrude the base of this layer. Must be less than or equal to
. Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionColor ↔ int?
The base color of the extruded fill. The extrusion's surfaces will be shaded differently based on this color in combination with the root
settings. If this color is specified asrgba
with an alpha component, the alpha component will be ignored; usefill-extrusion-opacity
to set layer opacity. Default value: "#000000".getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The base color of the extruded fill. The extrusion's surfaces will be shaded differently based on this color in combination with the root
settings. If this color is specified asrgba
with an alpha component, the alpha component will be ignored; usefill-extrusion-opacity
to set layer opacity. Default value: "#000000".getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionCutoffFadeRange ↔ double?
This parameter defines the range for the fade-out effect before an automatic content cutoff on pitched map views. Fade out is implemented by scaling down and removing buildings in the fade range in a staggered fashion. Opacity is not changed. The fade range is expressed in relation to the height of the map view. A value of 1.0 indicates that the content is faded to the same extent as the map's height in pixels, while a value close to zero represents a sharp cutoff. When the value is set to 0.0, the cutoff is completely disabled. Note: The property has no effect on the map if terrain is enabled.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
This parameter defines the range for the fade-out effect before an automatic content cutoff on pitched map views. Fade out is implemented by scaling down and removing buildings in the fade range in a staggered fashion. Opacity is not changed. The fade range is expressed in relation to the height of the map view. A value of 1.0 indicates that the content is faded to the same extent as the map's height in pixels, while a value close to zero represents a sharp cutoff. When the value is set to 0.0, the cutoff is completely disabled. Note: The property has no effect on the map if terrain is enabled.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionEdgeRadius ↔ double?
Radius of a fill extrusion edge in meters. If not zero, rounds extrusion edges for a smoother appearance.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Radius of a fill extrusion edge in meters. If not zero, rounds extrusion edges for a smoother appearance.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionEmissiveStrength ↔ double?
Controls the intensity of light emitted on the source features.
Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Controls the intensity of light emitted on the source features.
Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionFloodLightColor ↔ int?
The color of the flood light effect on the walls of the extruded buildings.
Default value: "#ffffff".
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The color of the flood light effect on the walls of the extruded buildings.
Default value: "#ffffff".
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundAttenuation ↔ double?
Provides a control to futher fine-tune the look of the flood light on the ground beneath the extruded buildings. Lower values give the effect a more solid look while higher values make it smoother.
Default value: 0.69. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Provides a control to futher fine-tune the look of the flood light on the ground beneath the extruded buildings. Lower values give the effect a more solid look while higher values make it smoother.
Default value: 0.69. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionFloodLightGroundRadius ↔ double?
The extent of the flood light effect on the ground beneath the extruded buildings in meters.
Default value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The extent of the flood light effect on the ground beneath the extruded buildings in meters.
Default value: 0.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionFloodLightIntensity ↔ double?
The intensity of the flood light color.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The intensity of the flood light color.
Default value: 0. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionFloodLightWallRadius ↔ double?
The extent of the flood light effect on the walls of the extruded buildings in meters.
Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The extent of the flood light effect on the walls of the extruded buildings in meters.
Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionHeight ↔ double?
The height with which to extrude this layer.
Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The height with which to extrude this layer.
Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionOpacity ↔ double?
The opacity of the entire fill extrusion layer. This is rendered on a per-layer, not per-feature, basis, and data-driven styling is not available.
Default value: 1. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The opacity of the entire fill extrusion layer. This is rendered on a per-layer, not per-feature, basis, and data-driven styling is not available.
Default value: 1. Value range:
0, 1
getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionPattern ↔ String?
Name of image in sprite to use for drawing images on extruded fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Name of image in sprite to use for drawing images on extruded fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionRoundedRoof ↔ bool?
Indicates whether top edges should be rounded when fill-extrusion-edge-radius has a value greater than 0. If false, rounded edges are only applied to the sides. Default is true.
Default value: true.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Indicates whether top edges should be rounded when fill-extrusion-edge-radius has a value greater than 0. If false, rounded edges are only applied to the sides. Default is true.
Default value: true.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
double?> ? -
The geometry's offset. Values are
x, y
where negatives indicate left and up (on the flat plane), respectively. Default value:0,0
.getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor ↔ FillExtrusionTranslateAnchor?
Controls the frame of reference for
. Default value: "map".getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Controls the frame of reference for
. Default value: "map".getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The geometry's offset. Values are
x, y
where negatives indicate left and up (on the flat plane), respectively. Default value:0,0
.getter/setter pair - fillExtrusionVerticalGradient ↔ bool?
Whether to apply a vertical gradient to the sides of a fill-extrusion layer. If true, sides will be shaded slightly darker farther down.
Default value: true.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
Whether to apply a vertical gradient to the sides of a fill-extrusion layer. If true, sides will be shaded slightly darker farther down.
Default value: true.
getter/setter pair
- fillExtrusionVerticalScale ↔ double?
A global multiplier that can be used to scale base, height, AO, and flood light of the fill extrusions.
Default value: 1. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
A global multiplier that can be used to scale base, height, AO, and flood light of the fill extrusions.
Default value: 1. Minimum value: 0.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Object> ? -
An expression specifying conditions on source features.
Only features that match the filter are displayed.
getter/setter pairinherited
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- id ↔ String
The ID of the Layer.
getter/setter pairinherited
- maxZoom ↔ double?
The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.
getter/setter pairinherited
- minZoom ↔ double?
The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.
getter/setter pairinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- slot ↔ String?
The slot this layer is assigned to. If specified, and a slot with that name exists, it will be placed at that position in the layer order.
getter/setter pairinherited
- sourceId ↔ String
The id of the source.
getter/setter pair
- sourceLayer ↔ String?
A source layer is an individual layer of data within a vector source. A vector source can have multiple source layers.
getter/setter pair
- visibility ↔ Visibility?
The visibility of the layer.
getter/setter pairinherited
↔ List<
Object> ? -
The visibility of the layer.
getter/setter pairinherited
) → String -
Get the type of current layer as a String.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
String properties) → FillExtrusionLayer