Lume Icons Library

This project is the internal icon library for our projects. It provides a set of custom icons that can be used across various applications within our organization.

Regenerating Icons

To regenerate the icons based on the TTF file present in font/MyIcons.ttf, run the following script:

dart run icomoon_generator:generator

This script will process the TTF file and update the icon library accordingly.

Directory Structure

  • svgs/: Contains the SVG files used to generate the font file.
  • font/: Contains the TTF file used to generate the icons.
  • lib/: Contains the Dart code for the icon library.


To use the icons in your project, simply import the library and reference the desired icons.

import 'package:lume_icons/lume_icons.dart';

// Example usage


If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow the standard pull request process and ensure that all changes are well-documented and tested.


This project is proprietary and all rights are reserved by the organization.

