loglytics library
- Analytic
- Core class that's used to structure and provide analytics in the AnalyticsService.
- Analytics
- Base class to be inherited when specifying analytics for a specific feature or part of your project.
- AnalyticsFactory
- Used to register analytics objects via the Loglytics.setUp method.
- AnalyticsInterface
- Exposes all analytic methods for implementation.
- AnalyticsService
- Used to provide an easy interface for sending analytics.
- CrashReportsInterface
- Exposes all crash reports methods for implementation.
- CustomAnalytic
- Custom variation on the Analytic that allows for more flexibility when sending analytics.
- EventBus
- Used to make sure that events that are fired will be sent in chronological order.
- IndividualUsage
- Log
- Pure logger class to facilitate logging.
- AnalyticsTypes
- Every action or state that's applicable to data from your Analytics implementations.
- CrashReportType
- Used to indicate what type of leading information is added to the crash report.
- LogLevel
- All levels of logging.
- AnalyticsTypesHelpers on AnalyticsTypes
- Used to generate the proper String format when sending analytics to the analytics provider.
- CrashReportTypeExtension on CrashReportType
- LogLevelExtensions on LogLevel
- Used to define a proper name per LogLevel when icons are not preferred.