level property

Level level

Effective level considering the levels established in this logger's parents (when hierarchicalLoggingEnabled is true).


Level get level {
  Level effectiveLevel;

  if (parent == null) {
    // We're either the root logger or a detached logger.  Return our own
    // level.
    effectiveLevel = _level!;
  } else if (!hierarchicalLoggingEnabled) {
    effectiveLevel = root._level!;
  } else {
    effectiveLevel = _level ?? parent!.level;

  // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
  assert(effectiveLevel != null);
  return effectiveLevel;
void level=(Level? value)

Override the level for this particular Logger and its children.

Setting this to null makes it inherit the parents level.


set level(Level? value) {
  if (!hierarchicalLoggingEnabled && parent != null) {
    throw UnsupportedError(
        'Please set "hierarchicalLoggingEnabled" to true if you want to '
        'change the level on a non-root logger.');
  if (parent == null && value == null) {
    throw UnsupportedError(
        'Cannot set the level to `null` on a logger with no parent.');
  _level = value;