localize_and_translate library
- AssetLoaderBase
- AssetLoaderBase abstract class used to building your Custom AssetLoader Example:
- AssetLoaderNetwork
- AssetLoaderNetwork loads translation assets from a network source using a user-defined URL map.
- AssetLoaderRootBundleJson
- AssetLoaderRootBundleJson is the asset loader for root bundle. It loads the assets from the root bundle.
- JsonMapperBase
- Base class for JSON mappers.
- LocalizeAndTranslate
- LocalizeAndTranslate is the main class of the package. It is used to initialize the package and to translate the words. It is a singleton class. It is used as follows:
- LocalizedApp
- LocalizedApp is the widget that is used to localize the app.
- LocalizedAppException
- LocalizedAppException is the widget that is shown when there is an error in the future.
- NestedJsonMapper
- Helper class to flatten nested JSON structures.
- LocalizationDefaultType
- LocalizationDefaultType is used to define the default type of localization
- ContextExtensions on BuildContext
- ContextExtensions is the extension class for the BuildContext.
- Translation on String
- Translation is the extension of the String class.