Body class
activate ()
→ void
Wake up a sleeping or idle body.
activateStatic (Shape filter )
→ void
Wake up any sleeping or idle bodies touching a static body.
applyForceAtLocalPoint ({required Vector2 force , required Vector2 point })
→ void
Apply a force to a body. Both the force and point are expressed in body local coordinates.
applyForceAtWorldPoint ({required Vector2 force , required Vector2 point })
→ void
Apply a force to a body. Both the force and point are expressed in world coordinates.
applyImpulseAtLocalPoint ({required Vector2 impulse , required Vector2 point })
→ void
Apply an impulse to a body. Both the impulse and point are expressed in world coordinates.
applyImpulseAtWorldPoint ({required Vector2 impulse , required Vector2 point })
→ void
Apply an impulse to a body. Both the impulse and point are expressed in world coordinates.
destroy ()
→ void
Destroy a Body.
eachArbiter (void arbiterFunc (Body body , Arbiter arbiter ) )
→ void
Call @c func once for each arbiter that is currently active on the body.
eachConstraint (void constraintFunc (Body body , Constraint constraint ) )
→ void
Call @c func once for each constraint attached to @c body and added to the space.
eachShape (void shapeFunc (Body body , Shape shape ) )
→ void
Call @c func once for each shape attached to @c body and added to the space.
getAngle ()
→ double
Get the angle of the body.
getAngularVelocity ()
→ double
Get the angular velocity of the body.
getCenterOfGravity ()
→ Vector2
Get the offset of the center of gravity in body local coordinates.
getData <T > ()
→ T?
Get the user data assigned to the body.
getForce ()
→ Vector2
Get the force applied to the body for the next time step.
getMass ()
→ double
Get the mass of the body.
getMoment ()
→ double
Get the moment of inertia of the body.
getPosition ()
→ Vector2
Set the position of a body.
getRotation ()
→ Vector2
Get the rotation vector of the body. (The x basis vector of it's transform.)
getSpace ()
→ Space
Get the space this body is added to.
getTorque ()
→ double
Get the torque applied to the body for the next time step.
getType ()
→ BodyType
Get the type of the body.
getVelocity ()
→ Vector2
Get the velocity of the body.
getVelocityAtLocalPoint (Vector2 point )
→ Vector2
Get the velocity on a body (in world units) at a point on the body in local coordinates.
getVelocityAtWorldPoint ({required Vector2 point })
→ Vector2
Get the velocity on a body (in world units) at a point on the body in world coordinates.
localToWorld (Vector2 point )
→ Vector2
Convert body relative/local coordinates to absolute/world coordinates.
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeData ()
→ void
Remove the user data assigned to the body.
setAngle (double a )
→ void
Set the angle of a body.
setAngularVelocity (double angularVelocity )
→ void
Set the angular velocity of the body.
setCenterOfGravity (Vector2 cog )
→ void
Set the offset of the center of gravity in body local coordinates.
setData <T > (T data )
→ void
Set the user data assigned to the body.
setForce (Vector2 force )
→ void
Set the force applied to the body for the next time step.
setMass (double m )
→ void
Set the mass of the body.
setMoment (double i )
→ void
Set the moment of inertia of the body.
setPosition ({required Vector2 pos })
→ void
Set the position of the body.
setPositionUpdateFunc (void positionFunc (Body body , double dt ) )
→ void
Set the callback used to update a body's position.
NOTE: It's not generally recommended to override this unless you call the default position update function.
setTorque (double torque )
→ void
Set the torque applied to the body for the next time step.
setType (BodyType type )
→ void
Set the type of the body.
setVelocity ({required Vector2 vel })
→ void
Set the velocity of the body.
setVelocityUpdateFunc (void velocityFunc (Body body , Vector2 gravity , double damping , double dt ) )
→ void
Set the callback used to update a body's velocity.
sleep ()
→ void
Force a body to fall asleep immediately.
sleepWithGroup (Body body )
→ void
Force a body to fall asleep immediately along with other bodies in a group.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
updatePosition (double dt )
→ void
Default position integration function.
updateVelocity ({required Vector2 gravity , required double damping , required double dt })
→ void
Default velocity integration function..
worldToLocal (Vector2 point )
→ Vector2
Convert body absolute/world coordinates to relative/local coordinates.