lil_either library


Either<L, R>
Either is an entity whose value can be of two different types, called left and right. By convention, Right is for the success case and Left for the error one.
Left<L, R>
Left is for the error case
Right is for the success case


EitherFutureX on Either<FutureOr<L>, FutureOr<R>>
Either FutureOr Extension
FutureEitherX on Future<Either<L, R>>
Future Either Extension
FutureX on Future<R>
Future Extension
StreamEitherX on Stream<Either<L, R>>
Stream Either Extension
StreamX on Stream<R>
Stream Extension


AsyncMapCallback<V> = FutureOr<V> Function(V value)
A callback that has a right or left argument and returns that same async argument.
AsyncMaybeCallback<T> = FutureOr<T> Function()
A callback that has no arguments and returns the async result of the orElse function.
AsyncWhenCallback<T, V> = FutureOr<T> Function(V value)
A callback that takes a right or left value argument and returns the async result of a function.
EitherCallback<V> = void Function(V value)
A callback that has a right or left value argument and returns nothing.
LazyCallback<T> = T Function()
Lazy callback
MapCallback<V> = V Function(V value)
A callback that has a right or left argument and returns that same argument.
MaybeCallback<T> = T Function()
A callback that has no arguments and returns the result of the orElse function.
WhenCallback<T, V> = T Function(V value)
A callback that takes a right or left value argument and returns the async result of a function.