
A Flutter widget data table that can be loaded lazily. The table also has a column header row and a row header column that will stay in view. (This widget is still in development, and may not work 100%)

This widget is based on table-sticky-headers made by Alex Bacich, so credits to him.


  • Scrollable when items overflow
  • Column header row stays in view
  • Row header column stays in view
  • Items are loaded lazily

img not loaded


To use this widget, add lazy_data_table_plus: ^0.2.0 to your dependencies in pubspec.yaml

  lazy_data_table_plus: ^0.2.0

Then the package can be included in a file with:

import 'package:lazy_data_table_plus/lazy_data_table_plus.dart';

And then the LazyDataTable can be used as following:
(This example is used to create the table in the gif above)

  rows: 100,
  columns: 100,
  tableDimensions: LazyDataTableDimensions(
    cellHeight: 50,
    cellWidth: 100,
    columnHeaderHeight: 50,
    rowHeaderWidth: 75,
  tableTheme: LazyDataTableTheme(
    columnHeaderBorder: Border.all(color: Colors.black38),
    rowHeaderBorder: Border.all(color: Colors.black38),
    cellBorder: Border.all(color: Colors.black12),
    cornerBorder: Border.all(color: Colors.black38),
    columnHeaderColor: Colors.white60,
    rowHeaderColor: Colors.white60,
    cellColor: Colors.white,
    cornerColor: Colors.white38,
  columnHeaderBuilder: (i) => Center(child: Text("Column: ${i + 1}")),
  rowHeaderBuilder: (i) => Center(child: Text("Row: ${i + 1}")),
  dataCellBuilder: (i, j) => Center(child: Text("Cell: $i, $j")),
  cornerWidget: Center(child: Text("Corner")),


If you have any problems or even suggestions feel free leave them here